Haematology Advice – Barts Health

The haematology service across Barts Health help to diagnose and treat people with diseases relating to the blood.

We help diagnose and treat blood cancers such as leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma, in conjunction with the Barts Cancer Centre based at St Bartholomew’s. Our blood transfusion department is the largest in the UK. We are a comprehensive care centre for haemophilia, sickle cell anaemia, thalassaemia, paediatric haematology and a regional referral centre for immune thrombocytopenia, inherited bone marrow failure and complex thrombosis. 

Our laboratories provide routine and specialised blood tests and our experts provide advice to GPs and doctors in many different hospitals in north London and Essex. Laboratory haematology at Barts Health is now part of The NHS East and South East London Pathology Partnership combining the pathology laboratory services of Homerton University Hospital, Newham Hospital, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, The Royal London Hospital, St Bartholomew’s Hospital, University Hospital Lewisham and Whipps Cross Hospital.

Click the button for information for patients cared for by the Haematology service. The tabs below may be useful to GPs. We are committed to improving collaborative working with primary care.

Haematology Patient Information

Need information about blood testsLab tests online UK has been designed to help you better understand the many clinical lab tests, but is also used widely by healthcare professionals as a source of information.

For further information on the following please follow this link:
Haematology – Barts Health NHS Trust

Referring your patient

Shared and transfer of care

Anticoagulant bridging advice

Abnormal B12 and folate levels

Disorders of platelets

Haematology iron deficiency guidelines


Haemoglobinopathies: regular medication and vaccinations


Paraproteins and light chains

Red cell disorders


White cell disorders

CQRS extractions for maternal pertussis, maternal RSV and maternal flu

The national teams continue to work on resolving the technical issue for Pertussis and RSV Pregnant Women vaccination data.

North East London Community pharmacy Oral Contraception service webinar for Primary Care

This service allows community pharmacists to initiate oral contraception via patient group direction.

Updated PGD for mpox vaccine


TIER Asthma Training

About the National Bundle of Care for Children and Young People with Asthma programme has provided Children Asthma training that all staff should complete to improve awarness on management and should be completed by all NEL CCG Staff.

NHS England and NHS Improvement’s ambition is to reduce avoidable harm to children and young people with asthma and improve their quality of life. This will be achieved by taking a whole system approach to asthma management that includes addressing environmental triggers, a comprehensive education programme, promoting personalised care, effective preventative medicine, and improved accuracy of diagnosis.

NHS England and Improvement have been working with key stakeholders, including young people and their families, to develop a National Bundle of Care for Children and Young People with Asthma to support local systems with the management of asthma care. The programme sets out the blueprint of evidence-based interventions to help children, young people, families, and carers, to control and reduce the risk of asthma attacks and to prevent avoidable harm. The bundle outlines key standards in the care of CYP with asthma throughout every stage of the patient pathway.

A key element to ensure children and young people with asthma receive high standards of asthma care, is relevant training for professionals. One of the outputs of the training, education and competencies national working group has been the development of a capability framework. Asthma (Children and young people) – elearning for healthcare (e-lfh.org.uk)

Tier 1 Administrative staff

Tier 2 All staff with patient contact

Tier 3 All staff doing annual reviews

Tier 4 Staff with specialist interest

Housing & Health Advice for Professionals

The guide was co-produced by staff from the London Borough of Tower Hamlets (including public health, housing, social care and environmental health), NHS staff and community representatives.  We hope that it will be useful in steering residents onto the right path to self advocate while also reducing professional time spent trying to navigate the housing system and writing letters that may not have influence.  

We would encourage you to share the document with your teams and networks but also let us know where it has been shared, so that we can assess its reach. We may also need to update this version in the light of pending legislation and would want you to make sure you are also updating your contacts and networks when this arrives. We have made it available in both PDF and Word due to the many links it contains to useful services.

We welcome feedback. If you have comments on the guide, please email matthew.quin@towerhamlets.gov.uk

Housing and Health guide sept 24

Asthma and Allergy Children / Tower Hamlets

Asthma & Allergy Friendly School Toolkit

Children Eczema


Specialist Asthma Nurse Service

Multi Agency Safeguarding Team (MAST) TH

We have recently been advised by Tower Hamlets social care that MASH (Multi-agency Safeguarding Hub) has now been replaced by MAST (multi-agency Safeguarding team)
Multi-Agency Support Team (MAST) (towerhamlets.gov.uk)

“The Multi-Agency Support Team (MAST) operates as the “front door service” ( from pre-birth -to 18yearsold). All contacts received in respect of concerns about a child or need for support come through the MAST.  The MAST is the single point of contact and referral to Statutory Social Care and Early help services. This includes requests for early help support and prevention, support for children with safeguarding, and child protection.

The MAST  co-ordinates incoming contacts and ensures that they follow the appropriate pathway according to the child or young person’s needs, applying the agreed thresholds/level of needs for access to services in line with London Child Protection procedures and continuum of need criteria.  The team makes sure that information is gathered and shared effectively between different agencies and with service users, so the most appropriate decisions are made regarding the level of need and the response required.

For further clarification or information, feel free to contact the members of MAST management as outlined below for any additional support: 

Cindy Abbey – cindy.abbey@towerhamlets.gov.uk

Zahra Jama – zahra.jama@towerhamlets.gov.uk

Please continue to use the childrens social care referral form on emis and simply send to MAST@towerhamlets.gov.uk (CEG will amended the form) rather than the older MASH email address

Maternity Appointments – Royal London Hospital

As of the 17th July 2024, we now have a centralised number via NetCall for all maternity appointments (both hospital and community midwifery).

New appointments line:02074804885
Open 9am-5pm (Mon-Fri) excluding bank holidays

We can also be contacted by email: bartshealth.thcommunityadmins@nhs.net

For urgent queries please continue to contact our Maternity Helpline: 020 359 46979/46980
Available 0900-1800 7 days a week

Outside of these hours please call:
Low Risk (birth centre) – 020 359 42367/42563
High Risk (labour ward/triage) – 020 359 42364/42381

Mental Health Crisis Response Service

ELFT, along with North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT) and partners across NEL, are working together to ensure that service users experiencing mental health crises can access support via NHS 111, a freephone number that provides urgent health advice 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to people of all ages.

From 2 April 2024, people living in the London Boroughs of the City of London, Hackney, Newham, Tower Hamlets, Waltham Forest, Redbridge, Havering, and Barking and Dagenham will be able to call 111 and select option 2, putting them through to a fully trained and qualified mental health professional team based in ELFT’s crisis hub in Tower Hamlets.

The team has a wide range of skills, including on-the-phone brief psychological support and has access to key services and organisations that can offer mental health support to people in their time of need.

Existing local crisis lines in each borough will still be running. This service will run alongside existing provision.

If service users are known to ELFT or NELFT services, they should continue to contact their service in the ways they had been doing so previously during working hours. Those wishing to contact a mental health professional outside of hours – or those who aren’t previously known to services – should contact 111 and select option 2.

We appreciate the continued support and flexibility of those closely involved in this initiative. This collaboration is a testament to our commitment to enhancing mental health support and accessibility in across our local communities.

There is also a Tower Hamlets specific pathway here:
Tower Hamlets Mental Health Crisis Assessment Team / Pathway – North East London (icb.nhs.uk)

NHS 111 Mental Health Crisis Response Service Launching April 2024 | East London NHS Foundation Trust (elft.nhs.uk)

Tower Hamlets Women’s Health Hub

Single Point of Access for women’s health advice and triage to the right service
Women’s Health Hub clinics led by a multidisciplinary team

Why a Women’s Health Hub?
Tower Hamlets faces significant challenges in managing women’s health:
·increasing demand for care, particularly for chronic problems like menopause, menstrual health, PCOS and other pelvic health
·variable confidence and skill sets in managing women’s health in primary care
·convoluted pathways across community, general and specialist services
·long wait times
·women going to the wrong sub-specialty clinics
·inefficient use of outpatient capacity

Overview of changes to Gynaecology referral pathways

Single Point of Access
From Friday 1st December 2023, all GP requests for advice or referrals for gynaecology services go through a Single Point of Access – except for 2 week waits, women in pregnancy, abortions, emergency gynaecology and <16 year olds.
On ERS, GPs will use, within the Gynaecology specialty:
Advice & Guidance – Tower Hamlets Women’s Health Hub Single Point of Access – Barts Health NHS Trust – R1
Advice and triage provided by a MDT, including:
·Consultant Gynaecologist
·Sexual and Reproductive Health Consultant
·GP with a Special Interest (GPSI) in Women’s Health
on Monday afternoon, Tuesday morning and Thursday morning
We are also working towards providing a hotline for GPs to briefly discuss any queries they may have.
Practised running through Advice & Guidance over last 6 weeks and reduced backlog.
Aim to improve quality of advice and more efficient use of services (including new Women’s Health Hub clinics)

Women’s Health Hub clinics
MDT at Sylvia Pankhurst Centre/Community Women’s Health Services at Mile End Hospital
On Wednesdays and Fridays starting on Wednesday 3rd January 2024.
For common gynaecological needs (not requiring invasive investigation), including:
Menorrhagia, LARC (contraception and menorrhagia), Postnatal care 8 weeks plus, Chronic Pelvic pain, Vaginismus, AUB, Menopause, Urogynaecology, Urinary incontinence, PMS, PCOS, Difficult smears/ difficult threads, Biopsies (vulval).
The clinics are run by:
·GPs with a Special Interest (GPSI) in Women’s Health who are experienced GPs working in Tower Hamlets practices.
·Physiotherapist offering specialist assessment and rehabilitation for pelvic, bladder and bowel pain and dysfunction. They support women for incontinence, chronic pelvic pain, vaginismus, sexual intercourse issues and post-natal care (beyond 6-8 weeks).
·Specialist Nurse e.g. for LARC insertion for menorrhagia and/or contraception, biopsies and difficult coil thread checks.
·Sonographer to ensure that any patients requiring scanning can be identified, scanned and receive other investigations and care within the same visit.
·Sexual and Reproductive Health Consultant and Consultant Gynaecologist for specialist care and to provide necessary training, supervision and support for other members of the team.
·Health Care Assistant

What else?
Joint NEL work / plans:
·North East London Community Gynaecology weekly drop-in
every Wednesday at 1:00-2:00pm on MS Teams to discuss cases, ask questions, or listen and learn. Gynaecologists/SRH Consultants from North East London (Homerton, Barts and BHR) give advice or answer questions on anything related to women’s health e.g. menopause, menstrual health, contraception and vulvovaginal problems. Please email guyslade@nhs.net if you want the meeting invite or more information – or you can join the meeting here
·Development of common pathways
·Shared evaluation of our Women’s Health Hub services
·Exploring potential for shared roles across North East London, e.g. women’s health dietitian

·We are also open to ideas from primary care and others about how we can achieve our aims during the pilot
Work will begin soon on the business case for a service after the pilot ends from September 2024.

All Ages Urgent ENT Service at Royal London Hospital

ENT Services replacement at Royal London Hospital
(Tower Hamlets, Newham, Waltham Forest & City & Hackney)

Dear Colleagues,

Following a recent review of the ENT emergency pathway at the Royal London Hospital, we have decided to re-open the e-rs referral service on a six month trial basis from Friday 23rd of August 2024. 

You will find the service on the system under ‘Emergency ENT RAS (RLH) Barts Health Trust – R1H’, Service ID: 7244253. 

We accept emergency referrals for the following conditions:

·                Unresolving otitis externa or otitis media

·                Sudden sensorineural hearing loss

·                Foreign bodies in the ear/nose

·                Acute facial palsy 

·                Fractured nose – within 5 days (without septal haematoma)

·                Recurrent epistaxis

·                Acute TM injury

·                Acute neck swelling

We would appreciate your assistance by only referring patient showing the above conditions via this service and continue to refer any routine requests via the ENT Communitas service which is also available on via e-Rs.  

Any routine referrals received via the Emergency Pathway will be rejected.  

If you need immediate ENT advice, please contact our ENT on call team via the RLH switchboard:  0207 377 7000.

Please note that the current Community ENT services provided by Communitas are running as normal, these are:
TNW ENT Triage Service – Adults (16 years +) 
TNW ENT Triage Service – Children aged 5 – 16 years
City and Hackney Communitas ENT Service – Adult
City and Hackney Communitas ENT Service – Children aged 5 – 16 years

If you have any queries, please contact nelondon.tnw.e-rsqueries@nhs.net (TNW only)

Frailty Virtual Ward – Tower Hamlets

What is the Frailty Virtual Ward?

Virtual Wards (VW) are a safe and efficient alternative to NHS bedded care and are led by a GP/Geriatrician.

They deal with all medical problems prevalent in the older population (fluid overload, infections, electrolyte disturbance, blood pressures etc) and can also deal with mobility and social issues. 

Who we see?

The service accepts patients who meet the following criteria:

  • 65 years and over with a Clinical Frailty Score of ≥5
  • Registered to a Tower Hamlets GP
  • Been physically seen in the last 7 days
  • May require hospital treatment in the next 2 weeks

How to refer into the service:

Referrals to be sent via email to bartshealth.THfrailtyVW@nhs.net or VW mobile phone – 07729 046 924

Referrals with be reviewed and responded to on the same day if before 2pm and will aim to be first seen within 24-48 hours (and more urgently if required)

Royal London Emergency Care Telephone Directory

Royal London Hospital Switchboard Bypass Number 020 359 40440 

REACH (single point of access for Emergency GP referrals)0203 137 5604
ED Consultant in Charge020 359 45722
ED CDU Consultant020 359 45724
Acute Medicine SpR020 359 45645
Cardiology SpR  020 359 40440 (SWITCH) Bleep 1617
Dermatology SpR020 359 40440 (SWITCH) Bleep 1167
Endocrinology SpR020 359 40440 (SWITCH) Bleep 1585
Gastroenterology SpR020 359 40440 (SWITCH) Bleep 1618
Haematology SpR020 359 40440 (SWITCH ) Bleep 1243 / 1155
Haematology Day Unit020 359 41901
Neurology SpR 020 359 45652 
Acute Oncology service (nurse led) – Mon to Fri 09:00-17:00 Email bhnt.acuteoncologyservices@nhs.net 077 0346 9211  For acute medical concern call med Reg on call 020 359 45645 
Stroke/TIA Consultant/HASU020 359 45671
HIV SpR020 359 45699
Infectious diseases SpR020 359 40440 (SWITCH ) Bleep 1315
Liver SpR020 359 40440 (SWITCH ) Bleep 1270
Microbiology SpR020 359 40440 (SWITCH )
Renal SpR020 359 45626
Respiratory SpR020 359 40440 (SWITCH ) Bleep 1251
Rheumatology SpR020 359 40440 (SWITCH )
Gynaecology SpR020 359 45719
EGU (Early Pregnancy Unit) 020 359 41579 email referral to bhnt.egu@nhs.net
General Surgery SpR020 359 45690 
ENT020 359 40440 (SWITCH ) Bleep 1320
Max Fax SHO020 359 45660
Neurosurgery Via ED for suspected Cauda Equina Syndrome or Referapatient.org if nonurgent. 
Ophthalmology SpR020 359 40440 (SWITCH )
Orthopaedic SpR020 359 45674 
Plastics SHO020 359 45693
Urology SpR020 359 45705
Vascular SpR020 359 40440 (SWITCH )
Paediatric Consultant Hotline07919598173 
Paediatric medical SpR020 359 40440 (SWITCH ) Bleep 1052
Paediatric ED Consultant 020 359 45620
Surgery (inc urology) SpR020 359 45668
Biochemistry lab020 359 61011 / 61012
Haematology lab020 359 60342

Ambulatory Clinical Pathways 

PV Bleeding in Pregnancy 

Abdominal pain and PV bleeding in pregnancy – if pregnancy test positive and haemodynamically stable can refer to EGU/Early Pregnancy Unit. 

Call 020 359 41579 to book a scan and email referral to bhnt.egu@nhs.net If systemically unwell and bleeding heavily, refer to ED. 

DVT referrals 

FRT service: nurse led, operates weekdays 08:00-17:00. 

020 359 45700 (AEC nurse coordinator) 

Do not advise the patient on a particular date or time. The FRT nurses will do this and contact the patient separately. There are 6 doppler slots available daily. 

Hyperemesis gravidarum 

Via the Emergency Department call REACH 0203 137 5604

For women with proven pregnancy, ketonuria ≥ 2, ongoing vomiting or inability to tolerate oral fluids and a NEWS <4. Consider calculating PUQE Score to aid decision making PUQE score – UpToDate 

Medical Ambulatory Care 

Call REACH – 0203 137 5604 

There may be cases in which you feel the patient does not need admission but may benefit from an acute work up via Ambulatory Care. Consider discussion with the Consultant on call to explore this. Medical Ambulatory Consultant On-Call 020 359 45642 Medical Registrar On call 020 359 45645

Please email referral to bhnt.rlh-ambulatory@nhs.net 

Please note this Directory of Service is up to date as of July 2023 and may be subject to change. If a number is incorrect or information provided incorrect. Please contact gemma.eyres@nhs.net to facilitate a correction. 

REACH – Remote Emergency Access Coordination Hub (Royal London Hospital)

REACH – Remote Emergency Access Coordination Hub 

Have you seen a patient who you think needs Urgent or Emergency Care? 

Do you think they need to go to A&E?

Tired of being on hold waiting for an On-call Specialist to pick up the phone?

CALL REACH 0203 137 5604 

REACH is a service provided by the Royal London Emergency Department. It will be the single point of access for all emergency referrals to the Royal London. 

Led by an ED consultant, they will guide your patient to the best place of care for their urgent and emergency care needs. Whether than be the ED, UTC, Surgical and Medical Ambulatory Care, Virtual ward or even the PRU. 

Any difficulties – please feedback to bartshealth.reachshiftleaders@nhs.net or me gemma.eyres@nhs.net (Unplanned Care lead for TH) 

Children to have access to medication and emergency medication kit

Children have immediate access to their own inhalers, spacers and auto injector pens.
Medications/spacers are labelled with their name in an easily accessible box or material bag.

School needs to have emergency kit of inhalers and auto injector pens with parental consent form signed which is on the Standard Asthma and Individual Allergy plan.

Make sure parents sign to use emergency supply and keep a copy as this only needs to be done once.

Letter to order your emergency kit

Emergency Kit discount prices

How to look after your emergency kit

Allergy Awareness session

Please watch this video: https://youtu.be/FWXtX7lvppY to learn about asthma/allergy/wheeze and how you can provide effective support for pupils in your school. ESSENTIAL Please watch these key videos and complete the survey below to complete your asthma awareness:

  1. Video on anaphylaxis and the importance of adrenaline pens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQhIS…
  2. How to use a Jext pen https://kids.jext.co.uk/about-jext/how-to-use/
  3. How to use an epipen https://www.epipen.co.uk/en-gb/patients/your-epipen/how-to-use-your-epipen
  4. How to use Emerade https://www.emerade.com/instruction-video

Once you have watched both asthma and allergy training videos, and the key videos in the descriptions- please contact your school’s asthma champion/lead to receive your certificate.

All staff who have contact with children should watch Asthma and Allergy Awareness sessions

To comply with national standard and safety we are retaining the 85% staff target. Staff can either access a virtual or video awareness session.

1. The virtual sessions are provided by the School Nursing Team. This is a half-termly awareness sessions.

2. The awareness video: This requires watching the below videos:

Youtube Link

3. Whole staff Asthma and Allergy awareness face to face by Asthma nurse Specialist on inset days or any other availability you have: contact th.peadasthmanurse@nhs.net

Once you have attended a session let your champion know so they can record and known how many staff have attended.

Parent Awareness session that can be played at coffee mornings. Just download me and play to parents.

This presentation can be played by staff to parents to increase awareness if there are any questions parents may wish to ask following this, I am happy to be emailed on th.peadasthmanurse@nhs.net.

Learn more about how to become an Asthma Friendly School

Asthma is a treatable long-term condition that affects airways. Tower Hamlets has one of the highest levels of asthma in the country. Currently over 3,000 children under 19 years in Tower Hamlets are diagnosed with asthma. Care plans are one of the most effective ways to control asthma, improve wellbeing and prevent deaths. However, only 1000 of these children have had their care plan updated in the past year. Whilst the responsibility for managing a child’s asthma rests with parent/carers, GPs and/or asthma specialists, schools play a role in ensuring children are safe during school hours. In doing so, schools can spot where care is less than adequate and can flag this to relevant partners.

The Asthma and Allergy Friendly School (AAFS) programme The Asthma and Allergy Friendly Schools program aims to clarify and help schools to ensure that children with asthma are safe and supported when at school. The NHS North East London Integration Board (NHS NEL ICB) and London Borough of Tower Hamlets are encouraging all schools in Tower Hamlets to become Asthma and Allergy Friendly Schools.

The AAFS programme is a national programme aimed at improving outcomes for children with asthma by supporting schools to achieve six care standards for asthma and allergy management to:

• Increase knowledge and confidence in schools, teachers, pupils and parents on asthma management

• Improve school attendance (less days off school due to asthma)

• Reduce the risk of asthma and allergy in schools

The six care standards that schools must achieve to be recognised as an Asthma and Allergy friendly School are:

AFS self certification form

1. Have a signed off Asthma and Allergy policy

2. Have and maintain an Asthma and Allergy register

3. Appoint Asthma/Allergy Champion or team

4. Have 85% of staff complete Asthma and Allergy Awareness

5. All children should have a Standard Asthma/individual Plan

6. Have an Asthma/Allergy Emergency medicine kit

This is a 2 yearly program complete self certification form and let us know how you are getting on. In order to remain asthma friendly over this period all new staff need to do the awareness session, keep your registry and plans up to date with new pupils.

The Asthma and Allergy Friendly Programme is supporting Tower Hamlets Schools to provide effective support for pupils with asthma/allergy/wheeze. Please watch this video to learn how to become an asthma and allergy friendly school https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Obry6tDVxIo

School Resources

ELFT – Adult Community Health Services and Mental Health Services

Click here to find out more about Adult Community Health Services and Mental Health Services in each area:




The Patient with Asthma Course (Requires a BMJ login)

On completion of this course you should know:

•How to define chronic and acute cough in adults and children
•How to appraise the association between chronic cough and asthma
•About the exacerbations of acute asthma in children and how to recognise them
•The stepwise management of exacerbations and when to refer
•How to train a patient to manage their own asthma
•How to set up and manage an asthma clinic, conduct reviews, and advise patients how to manage their asthma
•Understand how to use Spirometry in practice and interpret the results.

To access the course click here: https://learning.bmj.com/learning/course-intro/.html?courseId=10046989

National Review of Asthma Deaths

The National Review of Asthma Deaths (NRAD), run by a consortium of asthma professional and patient bodies, led by the Royal College of Physicians, looked into the circumstances surrounding deaths from asthma from 1 February 2012 to 30 January 2013. The NRAD is commissioned by the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) on behalf of NHS England, NHS Wales, the Health and Social Care division of the Scottish government, the Department of Health, and the Northern Ireland Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS).

Access the report and key recommendations here:


Interpretation tool for observed peak flow

This is a peak flow interpretation tool for use by clinicians based on the BTS asthma guidelines. To use the tool, clinicians need to enter the annual best or expected peak flow. The tool then calculates the percentages of peak flow that corresponds to the different levels of control (or lack of).

Interpretation tool for Observed Peak Flow

Women’s Health

Women’s Health

Discharge Medicines Service – Community Pharmacy 

The NHS Discharge Medicines Service (DMS) is a new nationally commissioned essential service that all community pharmacy contractors have to provide. The aim of the service is to improve the communication of changes to a patient’s medication when they leave hospital, to prevent harm from medicines, reduce readmissions and to improve patients outcomes. Trusts (Acute, Mental Health, Community) will identify appropriate patients and refer them to their usual or preferred community pharmacy on discharge with information about medication changes made in hospital. 

Community pharmacist have been commissioned to provide a new NHS Discharge Medicine Service, which is being rolled out locally across Tower Hamlets, Newham and Waltham Forest (TNW). A joint working group has been working on the implementation and the service will be rolled out gradually from all Trusts across North East London (NEL) from July 2021. 

NameDownload Link
NEL – Discharge Medicines Service Referral FormCLICK TO DOWNLOAD
NEL Discharge Medicines Service PathwayCLICK TO DOWNLOAD
NEL – Discharge Medicines Service PresentationCLICK TO DOWNLOAD


NameDownload link
(TH) Local implementation of the NHS Discharge Medicines ServiceCLICK TO DOWNLOAD

PHE Guidance antivirals influenza 201920

PHE guidance on use of antiviral agents for the treatment and prophylaxis of seasonal influenza

Please check out the document attached

North East London Management of Infection Guide

NEL Management of Infection Guidance for Primary Care

With Updated Scarlet Fever information
Aims and Objectives of the Guidance

The aims are to:

  • Support the rational, safe and cost-effective use of antibiotics by selecting the best approach to managing common infections from the evidence available.
  • Promote the selective use of antibiotics to reduce the emergence of antimicrobial resistance in the community.
  • Empower patients with information and support mechanisms so they can cope with their infection.

The objectives are to:

  • Assist prescribers in managing individuals with infections by providing clear information on the likely clinical outcome with or without treatment and to indicate possible risk.
  • Help the prescriber decide whether or not antibiotic treatment is indicated and which antibiotic is the most appropriate.

This guidance should always be applied in conjunction with clinical judgement and consideration of important individual case factors including allergy, pregnancy, drug interactions and drug safety advice from the MHRA. The recommendations apply only in the absence of contra- indications. Please refer to the latest BNF, BNFc or Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) for further information.

Please find published latest NEL Antimicrobial Guidelines. We are in the process of developing a protocol for emergency access to vancomycin in the community setting. This reflects changes in the new guidance for the management and treatment of Clostridioides difficile infection in adults, young people and children in community. Fidaxomicin is currently hospital only and is undergoing a formulary change request. Once these have been finalised, relevant communications and information will be shared.”

Please click here for guidance

Atimicrobial Stewardship resources

Key AMR Resources – Please click here

Reframing Resistance: The Framing Toolkit – Please click here


Hydration Guidance for Care Homes- please check out the guidelines

UTI Assessment Tool for Care Home Staff – please check out the guidelines


Local Joint and Primary Care Guidelines

Youth Violence

The Tower Hamlets Community Safety Partnership (CSP) is a statutory requirement of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998: working in partnership to address local issues including antisocial behaviour, drug or alcohol misuse, and re-offending. The multi-agency strategic group is built on the premise that no single agency can deal with, or be responsible for dealing with, complex community safety issues and that these issues can be addressed more effectively and efficiently through working in partnership.

The partnership is made up of both statutory agencies and co-operating bodies within the borough (known as the ‘responsible authorities’), including:

  • The Metropolitan Police,
  • Tower Hamlets Local Authority,
  • London Fire Brigade,
  • East London Foundation Trust (ELFT), and
  • National Probation Service

Co-operating bodies include the London Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime as well as key local partners with a vested interest in community safety, including Tower Hamlets Council for Voluntary Services. 

Community Safety Partnership (CSP) (towerhamlets.gov.uk)

Tower Hamlets Home Schooling

Some parents do not want their children to attend school and choose to educate them at home. It is perfectly legal to do this, but the local education authority must be satisfied that the child is being taught to a satisfactory standard.

Tower Hamlets – School Attendance and Welfare

Tower Hamlets Council has an attendance and welfare service which works with pupils up to the age of 16, alongside schools, parents, carers and other public services and voluntary agencies. The service aims to improve school attendance, reduce truancy and to ensure that children fully benefit from education that is provided in Tower Hamlets. The attendance and welfare advisors have specialised qualifications and are often experienced professionals specialising in children’s education.


IRIS is a general practice-based domestic violence training, support and referral programme for primary care staff. It is a targeted intervention for female and male patients aged 16 and above experiencing current or former DVA (domestic violence and abuse) from a partner, ex-partner or family member. IRIS provides clear care pathways for all patients living with abuse as well as information and sign posting for perpetrators.

Tower Hamlets and City of London Youth Justice Service

The Youth Justice Service (YJS) covers both the borough of Tower Hamlets and the Corporation of the City of London. We are responsible for the prevention of crime and antisocial behaviour by children and young people. We supervise their court orders and out of court disposals, both in the community and in custody.

Leaving Care Service (LCS)

The Leaving Care Service (LCS) provides services in partnership with key agencies to young people being looked after by the council, or who were looked after by Tower Hamlets before moving towards independence. The LCS provides practical, social and emotional support for young people; guiding them through education and job choices, helping them to find the right accommodation and providing advice on day to day living experiences.

Private Fostering

Private fostering is when a child or young person aged under 16 (or under 18 if they are disabled), is cared for and provided with accommodation for 28 days or more by an adult who is not a close relative.

Compass – Safe East

A free, confidential health and wellbeing service for children and young people who need support around drug and alcohol use and/or sexual health.

Early Help Hub

Early Help is the term used by agencies in Tower Hamlets to describe our approach to providing support to children, young people and their families as soon as problems start to emerge. When a child, young person or the, family needs some extra support, Early Help is the initial response offered by all services in contact with children, young people and families.

You may find it helpful to add a text to Accurx signposting patients to Early Help Hub e.g.

Please contact the Early Help Hub for more information and support;


Or call them on 020 7364 5006


Who to refer

Age: Conception to 19; and up to age 25 if the young person has a learning difficulty or disability
• Telephone access point providing information, advice and guidance on early help for the public
and professionals
• Screening of Early Help enquires
• Up to 15 days direct work with families.
• Support to professional to complete Early Heal Assessments.
• Advice on increasingly complex cases that may require statutory intervention (step-up)
• Advice on statutory cases being considered for closure but in need of on-going support (step-down)


How to refer

Contact the Early Help Hub.

Please see document.

Children and Young People’s Safeguarding

To Enlarge please RIGHT CLICK and ‘open in new TAB’
To Enlarge please RIGHT CLICK and ‘open in new TAB’
To Enlarge please RIGHT CLICK and ‘open in new TAB’
To Enlarge please RIGHT CLICK and ‘open in new TAB’

999 call when not able to speak; call 999, cough, dial 55

24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline- 0808 2000 247

Header text

TOWER HAMLETS – Community Pharmacy

NameDownload Link
Tower Hamlets – Community Pharmacy – Community Pharmacy EoL Stocklist (Requires review)CLICK TO DOWNLOAD
Tower Hamlets – Community Pharmacy – DMS Referral form – v1 (Requires review)CLICK TO DOWNLOAD

Tower Hamlets Parents Centre

Focus for education, training, advice and support for parents, guardians and / or carers of children. It provides a range of services and activities for parents in order to enable them to gain new knowledge, skills and confidence with the objective to increase their involvement and participation in their children’s education and thus raise levels of attainment. It provides support to parents and families to access services such as education, health welfare rights and social services to improve choice and quality of life. It also organises activities, which encourage participation and inclusion with a view to strengthening community cohesion.


Toy House

Mellow Parenting helps parents who for one reason or another struggle with the challenges of parenting.

For parents and their children under five years old. We will meet one day a week for 14 weeks.
There will be a max of 8 parents in the group. The course is free of charge and includes a light lunch. Each day will be divided into 3 parts.

Who to refer

Parents and their children under five years old

How to refer

See Attachment for Referral form

The MIX Crisis Manager

 If you feel like you cannot cope or are worried about how you are feeling, you can contact THEMIX crisis messenger 24/7 by texting THEMIX to 85258. The service is free and for any issue, it provides in-the-moment support and problem solving when you need it most.

Eating Disorders

A specialised community service offering high quality, evidence-based assessment and treatment for children, young people and their families who are suffering with an eating disorder.

The Community Eating Disorders Service for Children and Young People (CEDS-CYP)

We are a specialised community service offering high quality, evidence-based assessment and treatment for children, young people and their families who are suffering with an eating disorder.

CEDS-CYP works as part of the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service who are the point of access into our service.
Staffed by a multi-disciplinary team that includes Consultant Psychiatry, Clinical Psychology, Dietetics, Specialist Nursing, Family Therapy and Eating Disorder Therapists.
Based in the community and deliver care within clinics as well as home visits when required.
Provides the assessment and treatment for the following conditions Anorexia Nervosa; Bulimia Nervosa; Binge Eating Disorder and Atypical or non-specific eating disorders
Accepts referrals of children and young people up until their 18th birthday.
referrals are screened and seen based on urgency
All emergency referrals will be seen on the same day, urgent referrals will be seen within 5 days, and routine referrals will be seen within 15 days.

Who to refer

Please provide details of:

– Height, weight, and any weight change.

– Any signs of deliberately attempting to lose weight (e.g. vomiting, dietary restricting, purging, excessive exercise) or binging.

– Preliminary blood tests

– Pulse and Blood pressure

See attachment 1 referral pathway including RED FLAGS

Please complete the Single point access referral Form ELFT ( located on EMIS) which has a tick box for Eating Disorders.

Hours of Service 9 am to 5 pm.

Consent It is important to obtain consent from someone with legal parental responsibility of the child prior to consultation with our service. Young people aged 16 or over (and those under the age of 16 who are competent to do so) are able to provide consent in their own right

How to refer

Referral Details

Please provide details of:
– Height, weight, and any weight change.
– Any signs of deliberately attempting to lose weight (e.g. vomiting, dietary restricting, purging, excessive exercise) or binging.
– Preliminary blood tests
– Pulse and Blood pressure

Please see attachment for referral pathway including RED FLAGS

Please complete the Single point access referral Form ELFT ( located on EMIS) which has a tick box for Eating Disorders.

Hours of Service 9 am to 5 pm.

Consent It is important to obtain consent from someone with legal parental responsibility of the child prior to consultation with our service. Young people aged 16 or over (and those under the age of 16 who are competent to do so) are able to provide consent in their own right.

For additional information, please see below:

CEDS-CYP Leaflet

Referral Pathway for Children and Young People

Community Eating Disorder Service for Children and Young People

Community Developmental Paediatrics – Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (Tower Hamlets)

Referral criteria to Community Paediatric Service for children and young people with developmental concerns including concerns about possible Autism Spectrum Disorder

There is no direct referral for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) assessment in Tower Hamlets. All children and young people (CYP) with developmental concerns who have social and communication difficulties possibly indicative of ASD have to be initially referred to Speech and Language Therapy( SLT) and Community Paediatric Service (CPS) via the Single Point of Access (SPA) referral form.

You may find it helpful to add a text to Accurx signposting patients to Early Help Hub e.g.

Please contact the Early Help Hub for more information and support;


Or call them on 020 7364 500

Who to refer?

Referrals can be made by health and education professionals working in Tower Hamlets. For an appropriate assessment of CYP where primary concern is possible ASD, we need as much information as possible from the CYP’s previous contacts. This will allow us to understand if further assessment for ASD is indicated or not. For under 30 months old we need completed M-CHAT and nursery observations form and for older CYP SCQ and school/nursery observations. (forms attached). Observed change over time assist greatly in the diagnostic assessments, copies of 6 monthly reviews, response to intervention and IEP reviews should be included and may be requested.

Having been assessed by the CPS as likely to have diagnosis of ASD, the CYP will be placed on the waiting list for Autism Diagnostic assessment.

We would see CYP with developmental concerns from 0 to 19 years.

If insufficient evidence is submitted, or if the submitted evidence does not meet our referral criteria, the referral will be rejected. The referrer and the CYP’s parents will be informed if the referral has been rejected.

Referral for children in educational settings: to be accepted CYP are likely to have a high level of need, of at least at ‘SEN Support’ level, with an individual educational plan (IEP) in place. Submitted evidence will need to illustrate the nature and severity of difficulties, indicating a high level of support has been put in place, including clear features of ASD if this is a concern. The difficulties will need to be seen in more than one environment.

To summarise, in order to support the assessment, the referral will need to include:
A copy of the CYP’s IEP, indicating the nature and level of needs, and additional provision put in place
Completed school/nursery observation questionnaire
At least one additional assessment report from a professional independent of the CYP’s school or nursery, indicating likelihood of ASD e.g. Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Educational Psychology, Behavioural Support Team
Completed ASD Screening Questionnaire (M-CHAT or SCQ)

Referral from Primary Care or other professionals: If the above information is not available the GP/professional is advised to request that the CYP’s school or nursery consider whether the referral is required and coordinate the referral.

For the child to be considered for further ASD assessment internally there should be evidence of significant impact including:
Severe speech and language delay: no words by 30 months of age, no phrased speech by 36 months i.e. 2 word combinations
Severely impaired or disordered communication functioning e.g. echolalia, lack of reciprocal conversation skills, self-directed in choice of activities and not able to engage in nursery/school routines without frequent adult support
Severe peer relationship difficulties e.g. not interacting with other children, aggression towards other children, not forming friendships
Stereotyped / repetitive behaviour, leading to dysfunctional behaviour or severe anxiety

Such difficulties will need to be seen in more than one environment.

Community Paediatric Service can only accept referrals if the main concerns are learning or developmental problems. Referrals for CYP with predominantly emotional and behavioural concerns for whom referrer may be concerned about ASD should be made to the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) who will triage and assess appropriately.

ASD Assessment Service

his service provides evidence based assessments of children with suspected Autistic Spectrum Disorder in partnership with their families, to enable the child or young person to achieve their optimum health and reduce the impact of their disability on their health and well-being. The service provides identification of suspected autistic spectrum disorders, a coordinated approach to ensure the child’s needs are addressed including referral on to appropriate services, advice and support to families and other professionals and multi-disciplinary assessment carried out by a range of professionals such as health and social care professionals. A professional (such as a GP, health visitor, child’s teacher or social worker) must refer children to this team.

There is no direct referral for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) assessment in Tower Hamlets. All children and young people (CYP) with developmental concerns who have social and communication difficulties possibly indicative of ASD have to be initially referred to Speech and Language Therapy( SLT) and Community Paediatric Service (CPS) via the Single Point of Access (SPA) referral form.

Community Developmental Paediatrics – Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (Tower Hamlets)

Disable Children’s Outreach Service


The service offers families psychological interventions, advice and practical support to enhance parenting skills and support parents to address any behavioural difficulties and emotional needs that children may be struggling with.

This team of psychologists use a range of therapeutic evidence-based interventions to support parents to improve behaviour, eating, sleep management etc, through individual and group parenting approaches to work on helping to strengthen families’ behaviour management and coping techniques. Support is also provided for parenting issues around topics such as establishing routines, boundary setting, play, feelings/emotions, life-skills development and transitional issues for the young person. Support is provided in the family home or in community venues such as school.

Referrals are accepted from any involved professionals for children with diagnosed disabilities, from any of the following sets of need: 

• Learning disabilities linked with communication, behavioural, emotional or social needs 
• Autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) 
• Sensory impairment 
• Long term medical conditions 
• Neuro developmental conditions 
• Multiple disabilities.

Breaking the Cycle of Youth

Breaking the Cycle of Youth Violence Prevention Programme Supporting Children, Young People and Families in Tower Hamlets.

The School Health and Wellbeing Service

(School nurses)

Offers support and resources for school-aged children and young people in Tower Hamlets, working in partnership with all 90 state-funded primary and secondary schools in the borough and 36 GP practices.

Who to refer?

Primary and Secondary schools within the Tower Hamlet area.

How to refer?

Please email – Thgpcg.shreferrals@nhs.net.

Service contact details

Kam Kaur (kkaur4@nhs.net) Programme Lead
Pamela Agapiou, Interim Director of 0-19 Services (p.agapiou@nhs.net) Clinical Director
Jenny Gilmour (jenny.gilmour1@nhs.net) Support Team Clinical

Additional notes

The team is led by Specialist Public Health Nurses and offers a range of services on a sessional or drop in basis, these include:
– hearing and vision screening programme
– support for children with long-term health conditions in school,
– support for emotional health and wellbeing
– health promotion
– nutrition support

The telephone number for the service is 0203 581 6767

email address is Thgpcg.schoolnurses@nhs.net for general enquiries

See Attachment 1 for lists of Schools and School Nurses covered by School Health Team 2018

See website attached for the GP care group website for further information including self referral options


Click here for Schools Allocation

Tower Hamlets Education and Wellbeing Service

THEWS is part of a national initiative to introduce Mental Health Support Teams (MHSTs) in schools across England. These teams help spot early signs of mental health problems and link children with services that can support them. They also help teachers to embed a ‘whole school approach’ to mental health to ensure that everyone is looking out for children’s wellbeing.

Tower Hamlets Education and Wellbeing Service (THEWS) currently is not open for new referrals. Children, young people and parents who engaged with the services prior to COVID 19 continue to receive therapeutic support via telephone or video platform. The service is working on adapting their offer in order to re-open for new referrals by the end of May.

Tower Hamlets Mental Health Crisis Assessment Team / Pathway

ELFT, along with North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT) and partners across NEL, are working together to ensure that service users experiencing mental health crises can access support via NHS 111, a freephone number that provides urgent health advice 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to people of all ages.

From 2 April 2024, people living in the London Boroughs of the City of London, Hackney, Newham, Tower Hamlets, Waltham Forest, Redbridge, Havering, and Barking and Dagenham will be able to call 111 and select option 2, putting them through to a fully trained and qualified mental health professional team based in ELFT’s crisis hub in Tower Hamlets.

These are specific processes and pathways for Tower Hamlets:

NHS 111 Mental Health Crisis Response Service Launching April 2024 | East London NHS Foundation Trust (elft.nhs.uk)

Tower Hamlets Integrated Young People Health & Wellbeing Service

This service has been commissioned to focus on high risk taking young people who may need intensive support to a change in their risk taking behaviour.
Provides support in social and emotional wellbeing, counselling etc., sexual health and if appropriate substance and alcohol work in a community and clinic setting, as integrated team.

– This service has been commissioned to focus on high risk taking young people who may need intensive support to a change in their risk taking behaviour.

– Provides support in social and emotional wellbeing, counselling etc., sexual health and if appropriate substance and alcohol work in a community and clinic setting, as integrated team

– Specific tier II a-symptomatic sexual health and contraception

– Tier III intensive substance misuse service which includes care coordination and wrap around support for emotional health and well-being.

– Walk in clinics available at XX place, Barkantine, Newby place (click on leaflet below for further information)

– All symptomatic sexual health patients and TOP’s will be referred to Barts in the normal way

Who to refer

Age 10 -19yrs


Part of the suite of Mental Health services for young people in Tower Hamlets. Kooth’s team of qualified counsellors, therapists and support workers provide guided, outcome-focused help for each individual. 

Safe East

An enhanced mental health advice and support offer from 11th May via their Chat Health texting service.


TIGER Light is a one stop shop for medical, advocacy and early emotional support for children and their families following past sexual abuse. 

Referrals are made through the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub on 020 7364 5601/5606 or 4079 (out of hours) or securely via MASH@towerhamlets.gcsx.gov.uk. 

Support is currently available via telephone and safe digital platforms

The Mix Counselling


The Mix Counselling service is suitable for you if you are looking for short-term help with your mental health and emotional wellbeing. Telephone counselling service is available to young people aged 25 years old and under. WebChat service is available to those aged 10-18 years old. From more information and self-referrals visit the website above

Children and Mental Health Project


Parental mental health team in Tower Hamlets providing support to families where there is an adult with mental illness.

The team comprises two children’s specialist workers and a part time specialist teacher who provide early interventions for children living with parental mental illness in order to reduce risk and build resilience, offering consultation and support to allied professionals. Provide a point of contact and coordination of service in cases where more than one agency is involved with a family. Organise group activities and outings for children living with mental illness.

The team do not take on a care management role but work jointly with allocated care coordinators within the Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) and Children’s Social Care. Consultation is available for cases where a parent might not meet the criteria for CMHT involvement.

Step Forward

Click Here for Link to Step Forward site

Free & confidential services for all young people aged 11-25, living in & around Tower Hamlets, East London.

Counselling, Personal Development, Sexual Health Clinic, LGBTQ Group.


Step Forward offer counselling and a range of individual and group interventions for young people between the age of 11 and 21 and up to 25 if with a special educational need a disability. Self-referrals can be made by calling 07961 201 234 or via email on info@step-forward.org Assessment and therapeutic support is currently available via telephone

How to refer:

Work Phone:020 7739 3082

Email: info@step-forward.org

Website: http://www.step-forward.org/get-support/


All young people aged 11-25 years in and around Tower Hamlets are welcome at Step Forward, for free and confidential support services including:

•Personal Development
•Sexual Health
•Art Therapy

Docklands Outreach


Contact: Docklands Outreach – client-centred support agency that helps young people

Work Phone: 020 7538 1601

Email: info@dockout.org.uk

Address: St Matthias Community Centre, 113 Poplar High St, E14 0AE

Support agency that helps young people and families at risk create opportunities for themselves, by providing advice, information, counselling, therapy and practical support to young people and families.

Available for all children age 3-10 and young people age 11-25

  • Counselling: 12 -25 years for bereavement, low esteem/confidence, anger, relationships, using drug or alcohol, sexuality and gender, identity and racism.
  • Cogitative Behaviour Therapy (CBT): 12 to 21 years for low mood, anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 
  • Incredible Years Parenting Programme: Parents with Children 3-10 years with conduct or behavioural difficulties 
  • 1:2:1 Parenting Support: Parents with children 3-10 years with conduct or behavioural difficulties 
  • Community Families Programme: practical and emotional support for parents with children aged 5-13 years. 
  • One to one advocacy support: alcohol/substance misuse, poor sexual health, conflict resolution, education, employment and training
  • Street and community outreach: information, advice and therapy across the borough
  • Emotional health and wellbeing and sex and relationship education workshops.


Monday, 6 September, we’re rolling out our #Recharge communications that aim to raise awareness amongst young people (11 to 25-years-old) of the mental health services and support available locally.

We need your support, from this date, to raise awareness — please take a look at the attached Partner Pack for details and engage with our social media posts (@towerhamletsnow) from 6 September. The formal communications for this will conclude on Sunday 19 September but it remains relevant, so you can continue to use our posters, lesson plan and share the content provided. You may also see repeated references on our channels until the end of the first half of the autumn term, Friday 22 October.

Visit our landing page www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/recharge for more detail.

The content for this campaign has been developed over many months, working with local young people, to establish their priorities and co-create the content and themes used (an example follows). The focus is on ‘recharging’ and ‘breaking the mould’, which means taking control to develop positive behaviours that will improve your mood in an attempt to reframe managing your mental health as something positive — mental wealth — that can be easily managed and enjoyed.

Click here for Recharge Partner Communication Toolkit


CAMHS and Local Mental Health Services

Tower Hamlets CAMHS offers a range of specialist interventions for children, young people and parents. Referrals can be made through your GP, school or for young people age 12 and above by calling CAMHS on 0207426 2375 Monday to Friday between 9:00 – 17:00

Paeds Phlebotomy

Please see attached document to find out more about Paeds Phlebotomy

Circumcision – Patient advice sheet

Tower Hamlets Circumcision Services.

For Patient Leaflet to help parents decide what service is right for their son please see attached file

This also contains a translation help line

Please see attachment: TH Circumcision Service

Child Health Clinical Resources


Healthy London Partnership’s primary care toolkit

For primary and community care providers involved in caring for children and young people. 

Features pathways for the top paediatric conditions, e-learning modules, information on group consultations, examples of closer working with pharmacy, communications resources, mental health and wellbeing information and more.

Click Here for Resource for primary care providers caring for children & young people

Paediatric pearls

Click Here for link to External webpage Paediatric Pearls

Useful resource created by Consultant Paediatrician Julian Thomson

Contains useful Guideline summaries for GPs

Immunisation schedule 2019

See Attached for the Key Immunisation Resource List.

Key Imms Resource list

TH Julia Moody (Clinical Lead)


Tower Hamlets – Children and Young People

Name: Julia Moody

Email: julia.moody@nhs.net

Anthony Harris Anthony.Harris@towerhamlets.gov.uk (Commissioning Lead)
Vicky Scarborough vicky.scarborough@nhs.net (Borough Lead)

RLH Paediatric Phlebotomy clinic


BARTS health

First name:

RLH Paediatric Phlebotomy clinic

Work Phone:

020 3594 1503/1549


Advise that patients attend before 2.00pm.

Child to be accompanied by only one parent/carer (no siblings), and that neither the child or the adult are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19

Paediatric Hotline BARTS


BARTS health

Work Phone:

07919 598173


NW Locality Paediatrician: akshaya.jain@nhs.net
NE Locality Paediatrician: rima.alsaffar@nhs.net
SW Locality Paediatrician: susie.minson@nhs.net
SE Locality Paediatrician: anna.riddell@nhs.net

Other contacts:

For complete Barts consultant contacts click here: www.bartshealth.nhs.uk/find-a-consultant

For more information, click here: CYP in Primary Care

Paediatric Dietitian- RLH


Paediatric dietitian- Royal London Hospital

Work Phone:

0203 594 1541

New Onset Childhood diabetes guidance


NEL CYP network has endorsed new clinical guidance on diagnosis and referral of children suspected of a new diagnosis of diabetes – produced by Dr Gevers Paediatric Endocrinologist RLH

Click here for Pathway new diabetes for GPs

Reflux Pathway (Paediatric)


THT have created Clinical guidelines for common referral conditions. Each guideline was produced alongside the relevant clinical Sub-Specialty and over seen by Consultant Paediatrician Dr Rima Al Saffar and Child Health Clinical Lead Dr Julia Moody.

Click her for Reflux Pathway

Lymphadenopathy Pathway (Paediatric)


TH have created Clinical guidelines for common referral conditions. Each guideline was produced alongside the relevant clinical Sub-Specialty and over seen by Consultant Paediatrician Dr Rima Al Saffar and Child Health Clinical Lead Dr Julia Moody.

Click here for Lymphadenopathy Guideline

Limping Child Pathway (Paediatric)


TH have created Clinical guidelines for common referral conditions. Each guideline was produced alongside the relevant clinical Sub-Specialty and over seen by Consultant Paediatrician Dr Rima Al Saffar and Child Health Clinical Lead Dr Julia Moody.

Click here for Limping Child Pathway

Haematuria Pathway (Paediatric Guidelines)


TH have created Clinical guidelines for common referral conditions. Each guideline was produced alongside the relevant clinical Sub-Specialty and over seen by Consultant Paediatrician Dr Rima Al Saffar and Child Health Clinical Lead Dr Julia Moody.

Click here for Haematuria Pathway

Constipation Management Pathway (Paediatric Guidelines)


Barts health have created clinical guidelines for common referral conditions. Each guideline was produced alongside the relevant clinical Sub-Specialty and over seen by Consultant Paediatrician Dr Rima Al Saffar and Child Health Clinical Lead Dr Julia Moody.


Chronic Cough Pathway (Paediatric Guidelines)


THT have created Clinical guidelines for common referral conditions. Each guideline was produced alongside the relevant clinical Sub-Specialty and over seen by Consultant Paediatrician Dr Rima Al Saffar and Child Health Clinical Lead Dr Julia Moody.

Click here for Chronic Cough Guideline

Bronchiolitis Clinical Pathway (RSV)

Bronchiolitis/RSV Pathway (for Tower Hamlets GPs)
Children Younger than 2 Years with Suspected Bronchiolitis

Click here for Bronchiolitis Clinical Pathway

Honorary Pre-employment Check Form


For use where a clinical specialist  of another NHS organisation is required to hold honorary status for work or research being undertaken at Barts Health NHS Trust but will not be on the Trust payroll.


NHS Passport- Honorary Check form

Tower Hamlets Prolonged Jaundice Pathway


A new pathway has been developed for babies living in Tower Hamlets who have prolonged jaundice.
See evidence base (references below)
Aim is to make it easier for community midwives, health visitors and GPs to refer babies in for assessment and to reduce waiting times for families.

Who to refer

Prolonged jaundice criteria = Visible jaundice persisting:
• past 14 days in a term baby (>37 weeks)
• past 21 days in a preterm baby (< 37weeks)

if any red flag symptoms please redirect to emergency services (see flow chart below for full list)

How to refer

Forms are available on clinical system

Complete referral form – Found EMIS RP under ‘Prolonged jaundice virtual clinic referral form April 2020’

Email completed form to prolongedjaundice.RLH@nhs.net

Additional notes

1. Prolonged jaundice pathway flow chart with inclusion criteria and RED flag symptoms

Click attachment: Prolonged Jaundice pathway flow chart

Community Development Paediatrics (ASD)


Referral criteria to Community Paediatric Service for children and young people with developmental concerns including concerns about possible Autism Spectrum Disorder

There is no direct referral for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) assessment in Tower Hamlets. All children and young people (CYP) with developmental concerns who have social and communication difficulties possibly indicative of ASD have to be initially referred to Speech and Language Therapy( SLT) and Community Paediatric Service (CPS) via the Single Point of Access (SPA) referral form.

You may find it helpful to add a text to AccurX signposting patients to Early Help Hub e.g.

Please contact the Early Help Hub for more information and support;


Or call them on 020 7364 5006

Who to refer

Referrals can be made by health and education professionals working in Tower Hamlets. For an appropriate assessment of CYP where primary concern is possible ASD, we need as much information as possible from the CYP’s previous contacts. This will allow us to understand if further assessment for ASD is indicated or not. For under 30 months old we need completed M-CHAT and nursery observations form and for older CYP SCQ and school/nursery observations. (forms attached). Observed change over time assist greatly in the diagnostic assessments, copies of 6 monthly reviews, response to intervention and IEP reviews should be included and may be requested.

Having been assessed by the CPS as likely to have diagnosis of ASD, the CYP will be placed on the waiting list for Autism Diagnostic assessment.

We would see CYP with developmental concerns from 0 to 19 years.

If insufficient evidence is submitted, or if the submitted evidence does not meet our referral criteria, the referral will be rejected. The referrer and the CYP’s parents will be informed if the referral has been rejected.

Referral for children in educational settings: to be accepted CYP are likely to have a high level of need, of at least at ‘SEN Support’ level, with an individual educational plan (IEP) in place. Submitted evidence will need to illustrate the nature and severity of difficulties, indicating a high level of support has been put in place, including clear features of ASD if this is a concern. The difficulties will need to be seen in more than one environment.

To summarise, in order to support the assessment, the referral will need to include:
A copy of the CYP’s IEP, indicating the nature and level of needs, and additional provision put in place
Completed school/nursery observation questionnaire
At least one additional assessment report from a professional independent of the CYP’s school or nursery, indicating likelihood of ASD e.g. Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Educational Psychology, Behavioural Support Team
Completed ASD Screening Questionnaire (M-CHAT or SCQ)

Referral from Primary Care or other professionals: If the above information is not available the GP/professional is advised to request that the CYP’s school or nursery consider whether the referral is required and coordinate the referral.

For the child to be considered for further ASD assessment internally there should be evidence of significant impact including:
Severe speech and language delay: no words by 30 months of age, no phrased speech by 36 months i.e. 2 word combinations
Severely impaired or disordered communication functioning e.g. echolalia, lack of reciprocal conversation skills, self-directed in choice of activities and not able to engage in nursery/school routines without frequent adult support
Severe peer relationship difficulties e.g. not interacting with other children, aggression towards other children, not forming friendships
Stereotyped / repetitive behaviour, leading to dysfunctional behaviour or severe anxiety

Such difficulties will need to be seen in more than one environment.

Community Paediatric Service can only accept referrals if the main concerns are learning or developmental problems. Referrals for CYP with predominantly emotional and behavioural concerns for whom referrer may be concerned about ASD should be made to the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) who will triage and assess appropriately.

Additional notes

Click on Attachment for full guidelines including Summary flow chart.

Tube Feeding


Complete referral pathway to Royal London Hospital inpatient Paediatric team for patients assessed to benefit from tube feeding. This will mostly be assessed by community paediatrician, dietitian, speech and language team or specialist nurse.

Who to refer

GP to call paediatric helpline on 07713099190 if any concerns

Additional notes

Tube feeding pathways – Child identified as needing tube feeding, Community management of child with NG/NJ tube, Referral Pathway for Gastrostomy insertion, removal or change – See Attachment.

Tongue-tie (Anglyoglossia)


Approximately 10% of babies are born with some degree of ankyloglossia. Not all babies with tongue tie need to have a frenulotomy. Frenulotomy should not be seen as a substitute for skilled breastfeeding support.

Tower Hamlets provide a midwife led frenulotomy clinic.

Who to refer

Patient Group:
Babies up to 6 months old whose mothers intend to breastfeed and present with difficulties as a result of restricted tongue movement due to tongue tie.
Babies up to 6 months who are experiencing difficulties bottle feeding.
Resident of Tower Hamlets

Before referral

If there is suspicion of Tongue Tie but no clear diagnosis, direct the mother to:

Tongue-tie Assessment Drop-in Groups

How to refer

Referral or an email regarding a tongue-tie referral can be sent to the Clinic using attached Contact details

Please note that we currently have a 2-3 weeks wait for a TTC appt.

Referral contact details:

Referral Tower Hamlets Feeding Support Service RLH

Offers advice to all new mothers living in tower hamlets for breast feeding, bottle feeding, weaning etc Tel: 0203 594 2591/2

Early Help & Children and Family Service


The Early Help Hub (EHH) is a key front door for the Early Help system. It is an access point between Early Help and the public including all professionals working with children, young people and their families within the local community and across the authority. The aim of the EHH is to improve communications and information sharing between internal and external partners and to support more effective delivery of Early Help services where there is a need for a multi-agency response. The EHH has five main functions:

  • Provides a telephone access point offering information, advice and guidance on Early Help  to the public and professionals who have queries about children who may need a coordinated response.
  • Supporting Practitioners to complete assessments and convene Team Around the Family (TAF) meetings by offering advice and guidance.
  • Screening Early Help enquiries to ensure that there is an appropriate level of response for children, young people and their families which also includes cases referred across from MASH (where the threshold for statutory intervention is not met).
  • Short term direct work with families to assess need and to identify the most appropriate Lead Professional who can complete the Early Help Assessment (EHA) (if level 2 needs are identified) and co-ordinate the family action plan.
  • Front Door for Early Help Birth to 19 Family Support Service

Who to refer

0-19 years: Children, young people and their families

How to refer

Please contact the Early Help Hub

Referral contact details:

Referral  020 7364 5006 (Option 2)

Tower Hamlets Council
Town Hall
4th Floor, Mulberry Place
5 Clove Crescent
E14 2BG

Please contact the Early Help Hub for more information and support;
Or call them on 020 7364 5006

Additional notes

The EHH only undertakes triage or discusses cases with consent; however GP’s and other health professionals can make a general enquiry and ask for advice without consent, as long no names are given.

The EHH does not replace the existing ‘Safeguarding Arrangements’ for Children’s Social Care in Tower Hamlets. If at any stage you have any concerns that a child is at risk of harm you must follow your agency’s safeguarding procedure and make a referral to the Multi Agency Safe- Guarding Hub (MASH) 020 7364 5006 (Option 3).

Please check out the guide.

Routine TNW Community ENT – Service Children 5 years + and adults


From 9 August 2021 the TNW Community ENT Service, delivered by Communitas Clinics, will open for new referrals. The new service will be available on e-RS to all TNW practices from 9 August: TNW ENT Triage Service – Children 5 years+ and adults.

This will be the single point of access for all routine TNW ENT referrals for patients aged 5 years +. 

All referrals will be clinically triaged within 5 working days of receipt and:

  • accepted for community treatment;
  • onwardly referred to Barts where an appointment in secondary care is deemed necessary; or
  • returned with Advice and Guidance where appropriate

For routine ENT referrals primary care colleagues will no longer be able to refer patients directly into Barts Health ENT services via e-RS after 8 August 2021.

ENT referrals for children under 5 and all 2ww referrals should continue to be referred into Barts Health along current referral pathways.  There will be no e-RS referral route for routine ENT referrals into Barts Health.

Where GPs are unsure if the referral meets the criteria we would encourage GPs to refer to the guidelines on the referral template or NG12 guidance (nb. Newham & Waltham Forest only; C-the-signs, which is NG12 compliant, will aide decision making to determine 2ww referral).

This service will run as a pilot over the next 9 months.  Evaluation of the model will inform the design and commissioning of the long term pathway for ENT in TNW which will include community provision for ENT conditions that do not need to be seen in secondary care.

Who to refer

Children 5 years + and adults

How to refer

Complete the ‘Community ENT service TNW CEG (RP) V1’ – EMIS Referral form

Step by step guidance:

1. Referral form created in EMIS

2. E_RS launched from EMIS

3. Enter the search criteria:
• Initial referring clinician/ Organisation
• Request type – Referral
• Priority – Routine
• Speciality – Ear, Nose and Throat
• Clinic Type – select most appropriate (all clinic types will enable referral)
• Click Search all

4. Select TNW ENT Triage Service – Children’s 5 years + and adults by clicking Send for Triage

Referral contact details:

  • ReferralCommunitas Clinics Ltd Business Hours
    Administration Office Hours:
    Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm
    Clinic times vary depending on location
    Tel: 020 8683 6734

Children and Young People’s Physical Health

These resources are for Tower Hamlets GP practices

Dermatology Advice and Guidance

The Barts Health dermatology service at the Royal London has opened up Advice and Guidance with a photo to GP practices in Tower Hamlets. Practices in Tower Hamlets are incentivised to use this pathway via the NIS. Advice and Guidance (A&G) is a function in ERS which enables GP’s to contact consultants for advice.

Who to refer

Patients aged 16 and over
Inflammatory skin disease (acne, eczema, psoriasis) unresponsive to GP treatment
Premalignant skin lesions such as solar keratosis or Bowen’s disease
Low risk BCCs on trunks and limbs in line with NICE guidance
Diagnosis, investigation and management of other chronic rashes in adults
Diagnosis, investigation and management of mild-moderate dermatoses and skin lesions
Conditions of hair, scalp, and nails

Patients who are under 16 years of age
Any lesions where there is any suspicion of skin cancer
Lesions suspicious of melanoma
Lesions suspicious of Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)
Suspicious skin lesions falling under the 2WW pathway
Dermatological emergencies e.g. Exfoliative Dermatitis or blistering skin disorders
Patients already under the ongoing care of a secondary care dermatologist e.g.
taking immunosuppressive drugs
A suspicious change in a mole or melanocytic lesion
Lesions that are on parts of the body where it would be deemed inappropriate to take images (unless the patient provides consent).

Before referral

Referrals will not be accepted without a photo
Please review helpful guidelines as produced by Barts and TH Dermatology lead Shah Ali
Complete the referral form on RP Dermatology advice and guidance
Make referral vie ERS advice and guidance (under advice – routine – dermatology – not otherwise specified – general dermatology (RLH)
Attach photos and referral form to referral.
Encourage patients to take their own photos and send to practice website or e-consult

How to refer

Template text to send to patient via AccuRX.
‘Dear Miss T.H. Patient,
Following your GP consultation, we would like to get further advice from a skin specialist. Please send us photos of your skin:
by email to < insert practice email address> OR
upload via our website < insert practice website URL> OR
via an e-consult < insert practice e-consult URL>

Tower Hamlets Formulary

North East London (NEL) is in the process of harmonising the existing formularies in-use across NEL onto a single NEL-wide electronic formulary. The new NEL electronic formulary is expected to be launched by the end of 2024.

  • At current, users will not be able to access the full version of the Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest/Newham formularies (BNF FormularyComplete).
  • In the interim, please access the simplified version of the formularies below. Note that the links within these pages do not open onto other pages.
  • It should be noted that the simplified version is not up-to-date. Please refer to the NEL Formulary and Pathways Group (FPG) decision log for formulary updates made since October 2022.

Useful links

TH – Adult Autism Service

The Tower Hamlets Autism Service is a diagnostic and brief intervention service for adults living in Tower Hamlets. We provide assessments and diagnoses of autism spectrum conditions.

Following a diagnosis, the service provides up to 12 autism-specific interventions which include support for any difficulties being experienced. The multi-disciplinary team, which includes a consultant psychiatrist, clinical psychologist, occupational therapist, speech and language therapist, and a social worker will work with the service user to develop a programme to address any issues or problems.

The team has a partnership with the Job Enterprise and Training Service (JET) and can provide support and advice for service users with autism, who wish to gain employment or access training.

The service accepts self-referrals and referrals from GPs and other agencies.

Further information here:
TH – ASD Assessment Service – North East London (icb.nhs.uk)

Medicines Storage


NameDownload Link



NameDownload link
Calcium and vitamin D (colecalciferol) preparations for adults at risk of osteoporosis guidance (NEL)CLICK TO DOWNLOAD


NameDownload Link
(BHR) BHR CCGs and BHRUT transfer of care monitoring and guidance for denosumab in post menopausal women with osteoporosisCLICK TO DOWNLOAD
(BHR) BHR CCGs and BHRUT updated osteoporosis pathwayCLICK TO DOWNLOAD

City & Hackney

NameDownload link
Bisphosphonate drug holidays guidance C&H CLICK TO DOWNLOAD



NameDownload Link
(BHR) Vaccine fridge temperature out of range guidanceCLICK TO DOWNLOAD

Barts Health – Rapid access chest pain clinic

Who to refer

Inclusion criteria:

– The patient must be suffering from a new onset of chest pain thought likely to be angina.
– If your patient is male, he must be over 30 years-old
– If your patient is female, she must be over 40 years-old (women over 35 years old will only be considered if there is particular concern and significant cardiac risk factors)

Exclusion criteria:

– We cannot see your patient if they are suffering from suspected unstable angina or a myocardial infarction. Instead, please refer them directly to A&E.
– If your patient has already been treated by cardiology within the last 6 months, please would you refer them back to their original Consultant Cardiologist and not to the Rapid Access Chest Pain Clinic.
– If your patient has palpitations or suspected arrhythmias, please refer them to the Heart Rhythm Clinic.
– If you patient is suffering from suspected Heart Failure, please refer them to the Heart failure team/ Clinic.
– If your patient does not meet the age criteria and you suspect cardiac cause of symptoms please refer to Cardiology Clinic

How to refer

Referral form can be found on Resource Publisher (RP) EMIS under RACP( rapid access chest pain)

All forms must be sent via ERS

Referral contact details:

Telephone: 0203 594 6049

Royal London Hospital – Ambulatory Care

AEC does not replace any of the existing outpatient pathways at Barts Health (2WW, neurology, arrhythmias, rheumatology, respiratory, etc,)

Some of the common conditions we see:

Pulmonary embolism
Transfusions for anaemia,
Acute Jaundice,
Uncontrolled Hypertension

Exclusion criteria

Paediatrics (< 16yrs), Surgical/Trauma problems, Infection control issues, Acute confusion/delirium, acute psychiatric illness

Please also ensure:

– Patient is not critically ill

Pulse < 100
BP > 100 Systolic
Sats> 92% or > 88% if COPD
GCS15 ( or 14 if known Dementia)
– The patient is appropriate to be discharged with current package of care.

– Patient/relatives able to arrange their own public/private transport? (or prearranged hospital transport)

– A clinical review would avoid admission

Other considerations

At predictable risk of deterioration based on history and preliminary investigation
Is not ambulant or mobile in a wheelchair and able to transfer with assistance of one
Already under investigation
The problem is of a chronic nature

Who to refer

All referrals to be discussed with the Ambulatory care team

Following which please complete the referral form (already EMIS under Ambulatory Emergency care) and email it to the team

Before referral

please include patients phone number, NHS number, reason for referral, when the patient should be seen, outline investigations required.
An AEC nurse will contact the patient to arrange an appointment, DO NOT tell the patient to arrive in AEC until they have been contacted

Service contact details

Acute Medicine Consultant: 02035945642 or via switch ext 45642
Out of hours – On call Medical SPR: 02035945645 or via switch ext 45645
email: Bhnt.rlh-ambulatory@nhs.net

Additional notes

Diagnosis and treatment of DVT
VTE nurse specialists provide same or next day (except weekends and Bank Holidays) assessment, diagnosis and treatment of suspected Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
09:00 – 15:00 Monday-Friday: Contact the AEC nurse: 02035945700 or via switch ext 45700
Out of hours: Send to the Emergency Department with a referral letter
Location: Accessed via the main entrance of Royal London Hospital, Ground Floor, opposite lift core 8.

TH – Accessing Community Mental Health Support for Young People

Tower Hamlets CAMHS offers a range of specialist interventions for children, young people and parents. Referrals can be made through your GP, school or for young people age 12 and above by calling CAMHS on 0207426 2375 Monday to Friday between 9:00 – 17:00.

TH – TIGER Light


TIGER Light is a one stop shop for medical, advocacy and early emotional support for children and their families following past sexual abuse. Referrals are made through the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub on 020 7364 5601/5606 or 4079 (out of hours) or securely via MASH@towerhamlets.gcsx.gov.uk. Support is currently available via telephone and safe digital platforms

TH – The Mix Counselling

The Mix Counselling


The Mix Counselling service is suitable for you if you are looking for short-term help with your mental health and emotional wellbeing. Telephone counselling service is available to young people aged 25 years old and under. WebChat service is available to those aged 10-18 years old. From more information and self-referrals visit the website abo

TH – Children and Mental Health Project

Children and Mental Health Project


Parental mental health team in Tower Hamlets providing support to families where there is an adult with mental illness.

The team comprises two children’s specialist workers and a part time specialist teacher who provide early interventions for children living with parental mental illness in order to reduce risk and build resilience, offering consultation and support to allied professionals. Provide a point of contact and coordination of service in cases where more than one agency is involved with a family. Organise group activities and outings for children living with mental illness.

The team do not take on a care management role but work jointly with allocated care coordinators within the Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) and Children’s Social Care. Consultation is available for cases where a parent might not meet the criteria for CMHT involvement.

TH – Step Forward

Step Forward


Click Here for Link to Step Forward site

Free & confidential services for all young people aged 11-25, living in & around Tower Hamlets, East London.
Counselling, Personal Development, Sexual Health Clinic, LGBTQ Group.

Step Forward offer counselling and a range of individual and group interventions for young people between the age of 11 and 21 and up to 25 if with a special educational need a disability. Self-referrals can be made by calling 07961 201 234 or via email on info@step-forward.org Assessment and therapeutic support is currently available via telephone

How to refer

All young people aged 11-25 years in and around Tower Hamlets are welcome at Step Forward, for free and confidential support services including:

•Personal Development
•Sexual Health
•Art Therapy
Tel: 020 7739 3082

TH – Docklands Outreach

Docklands Outreach


Support agency that helps young people and families at risk create opportunities for themselves, by providing advice, information, counselling, therapy and practical support to young people and families.

Available for all children age 3-10 and young people age 11-25

  • Counselling: 12 -25 years for bereavement, low esteem/confidence, anger, relationships, using drug or alcohol, sexuality and gender, identity and racism.
  • Cogitative Behaviour Therapy (CBT): 12 to 21 years for low mood, anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 
  • Incredible Years Parenting Programme: Parents with Children 3-10 years with conduct or behavioural difficulties 
  • 1:2:1 Parenting Support: Parents with children 3-10 years with conduct or behavioural difficulties 
  • Community Families Programme: practical and emotional support for parents with children aged 5-13 years. 
  • One to one advocacy support: alcohol/substance misuse, poor sexual health, conflict resolution, education, employment and training• Street and community outreach: information, advice and therapy across the borough
  • Emotional health and wellbeing and sex and relationship education workshops.

TH – Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders

A specialised community service offering high quality, evidence-based assessment and treatment for children, young people and their families who are suffering with an eating disorder.

The Community Eating Disorders Service for Children and Young People (CEDS-CYP)

We are a specialised community service offering high quality, evidence-based assessment and treatment for children, young people and their families who are suffering with an eating disorder.

CEDS-CYP works as part of the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service who are the point of access into our service.
Staffed by a multi-disciplinary team that includes Consultant Psychiatry, Clinical Psychology, Dietetics, Specialist Nursing, Family Therapy and Eating Disorder Therapists.
Based in the community and deliver care within clinics as well as home visits when required.
Provides the assessment and treatment for the following conditions Anorexia Nervosa; Bulimia Nervosa; Binge Eating Disorder and Atypical or non-specific eating disorders
Accepts referrals of children and young people up until their 18th birthday.
referrals are screened and seen based on urgency
All emergency referrals will be seen on the same day, urgent referrals will be seen within 5 days, and routine referrals will be seen within 15 days.

Who to refer

Please provide details of:
– Height, weight, and any weight change.
– Any signs of deliberately attempting to lose weight (e.g. vomiting, dietary restricting, purging, excessive exercise) or binging.
– Preliminary blood tests
– Pulse and Blood pressure

Please complete the Single point access referral Form ELFT ( located on EMIS) which has a tick box for Eating Disorders.
Hours of Service 9 am to 5 pm.

Consent It is important to obtain consent from someone with legal parental responsibility of the child prior to consultation with our service. Young people aged 16 or over (and those under the age of 16 who are competent to do so) are able to provide consent in their own right

Referral contact details:

The Community Eating Disorders Service for Children and Young People (CEDS-CYP)
Tel: 020 7426 2556

CEDS-CYP, Tower hamlets
Tel: 020 7426 2556

TH – Kooth


Part of the suite of Mental Health services for young people in Tower Hamlets. Kooth’s team of qualified counsellors, therapists and support workers provide guided, outcome-focused help for each individual. 

TH – ASD Assessment Service (children)

ASD Assessment Service

This service provides evidence based assessments of children with suspected Autistic Spectrum Disorder in partnership with their families, to enable the child or young person to achieve their optimum health and reduce the impact of their disability on their health and well-being. The service provides identification of suspected autistic spectrum disorders, a coordinated approach to ensure the child’s needs are addressed including referral on to appropriate services, advice and support to families and other professionals and multi-disciplinary assessment carried out by a range of professionals such as health and social care professionals. A professional (such as a GP, health visitor, child’s teacher or social worker) must refer children to this team.

There is no direct referral for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) assessment in Tower Hamlets. All children and young people (CYP) with developmental concerns who have social and communication difficulties possibly indicative of ASD have to be initially referred to Speech and Language Therapy( SLT) and Community Paediatric Service (CPS) via the Single Point of Access (SPA) referral form.

Referral criteria to Community Paediatric Service for children and young people with developmental concerns including concerns about possible Autism Spectrum Disorder

There is no direct referral for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) assessment in Tower Hamlets. All children and young people (CYP) with developmental concerns who have social and communication difficulties possibly indicative of ASD have to be initially referred to Speech and Language Therapy( SLT) and Community Paediatric Service (CPS) via the Single Point of Access (SPA) referral form.

You may find it helpful to add a text to Accurx signposting patients to Early Help Hub e.g.

Please contact the Early Help Hub for more information and support;


Or call them on 020 7364 5006

Who to refer

Referrals can be made by health and education professionals working in Tower Hamlets. For an appropriate assessment of CYP where primary concern is possible ASD, we need as much information as possible from the CYP’s previous contacts. This will allow us to understand if further assessment for ASD is indicated or not. For under 30 months old we need completed M-CHAT and nursery observations form and for older CYP SCQ and school/nursery observations. (forms attached). Observed change over time assist greatly in the diagnostic assessments, copies of 6 monthly reviews, response to intervention and IEP reviews should be included and may be requested.

Having been assessed by the CPS as likely to have diagnosis of ASD, the CYP will be placed on the waiting list for Autism Diagnostic assessment.

We would see CYP with developmental concerns from 0 to 19 years.

If insufficient evidence is submitted, or if the submitted evidence does not meet our referral criteria, the referral will be rejected. The referrer and the CYP’s parents will be informed if the referral has been rejected.

Referral for children in educational settings: to be accepted CYP are likely to have a high level of need, of at least at ‘SEN Support’ level, with an individual educational plan (IEP) in place. Submitted evidence will need to illustrate the nature and severity of difficulties, indicating a high level of support has been put in place, including clear features of ASD if this is a concern. The difficulties will need to be seen in more than one environment.

To summarise, in order to support the assessment, the referral will need to include:
A copy of the CYP’s IEP, indicating the nature and level of needs, and additional provision put in place
Completed school/nursery observation questionnaire
At least one additional assessment report from a professional independent of the CYP’s school or nursery, indicating likelihood of ASD e.g. Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Educational Psychology, Behavioural Support Team
Completed ASD Screening Questionnaire (M-CHAT or SCQ)

Referral from Primary Care or other professionals: If the above information is not available the GP/professional is advised to request that the CYP’s school or nursery consider whether the referral is required and coordinate the referral.

For the child to be considered for further ASD assessment internally there should be evidence of significant impact including:
Severe speech and language delay: no words by 30 months of age, no phrased speech by 36 months i.e. 2 word combinations
Severely impaired or disordered communication functioning e.g. echolalia, lack of reciprocal conversation skills, self-directed in choice of activities and not able to engage in nursery/school routines without frequent adult support
Severe peer relationship difficulties e.g. not interacting with other children, aggression towards other children, not forming friendships
Stereotyped / repetitive behaviour, leading to dysfunctional behaviour or severe anxiety

Such difficulties will need to be seen in more than one environment.

Community Paediatric Service can only accept referrals if the main concerns are learning or developmental problems. Referrals for CYP with predominantly emotional and behavioural concerns for whom referrer may be concerned about ASD should be made to the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) who will triage and assess appropriately.

TH – Breaking the Cycle of Youth

Breaking the Cycle of Youth Violence Prevention Programme Supporting Children, Young People and Families in Tower Hamlets.

TH – Disable Children’s Outreach Service


The service offers families psychological interventions, advice and practical support to enhance parenting skills and support parents to address any behavioural difficulties and emotional needs that children may be struggling with.

This team of psychologists use a range of therapeutic evidence-based interventions to support parents to improve behaviour, eating, sleep management etc, through individual and group parenting approaches to work on helping to strengthen families’ behaviour management and coping techniques. Support is also provided for parenting issues around topics such as establishing routines, boundary setting, play, feelings/emotions, life-skills development and transitional issues for the young person. Support is provided in the family home or in community venues such as school.

Referrals are accepted from any involved professionals for children with diagnosed disabilities, from any of the following sets of need: 

• Learning disabilities linked with communication, behavioural, emotional or social needs 
• Autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) 
• Sensory impairment 
• Long term medical conditions 
• Neuro developmental conditions 
• Multiple disabilities.

TH – School Health and Wellbeing service

The School Health and Wellbeing service (Tower Hamlet GP Care Group) offers support and resources for school-aged children and young people in Tower Hamlets, working in partnership with all 90 state-funded primary and secondary schools in the borough and 36 GP practices.

Who to refer

primary and secondary schools within the Tower Hamlet area

How to refer

Please email – Thgpcg.shreferrals@nhs.net

Service contact details

Kam Kaur (kkaur4@nhs.net) Programme Lead
Pamela Agapiou, Interim Director of 0-19 Services (p.agapiou@nhs.net) Clinical Director
Jenny Gilmour (jenny.gilmour1@nhs.net) Support Team Clinical

Additional notes

The team is led by Specialist Public Health Nurses and offers a range of services on a sessional or drop in basis, these include:
– hearing and vision screening programme
– support for children with long-term health conditions in school,
– support for emotional health and wellbeing
– health promotion
– nutrition support

The telephone number for the service is 0203 581 6767
email address is Thgpcg.schoolnurses@nhs.net for general enquiries

Further details here: Your Health and Wellbeing at School | GP Care Group

TH – Education and Wellbeing Service

Tower Hamlets Education and Wellbeing Service (THEWS) currently is not open for new referrals. Children, young people and parents who engaged with the services prior to COVID 19 continue to receive therapeutic support via telephone or video platform. The service is working on adapting their offer in order to re-open for new referrals by the end of May.

TH – Integrated Young People Health & Wellbeing Service

Tower Hamlets Integrated Young People Health & Wellbeing Service (Safe East Compass UK)


– This service has been commissioned to focus on high risk taking young people who may need intensive support to a change in their risk taking behaviour.
– Provides support in social and emotional wellbeing, counselling etc., sexual health and if appropriate substance and alcohol work in a community and clinic setting, as integrated team
– Specific tier II a-symptomatic sexual health and contraception
– Tier III intensive substance misuse service which includes care coordination and wrap around support for emotional health and well-being.
– Walk in clinics available at XX place, Barkantine, Newby place (click on leaflet below for further information)
– All symptomatic sexual health patients and TOP’s will be referred to Barts in the normal way

Who to refer

Age 10 -19yrs

How to refer

Please complete the referral form on EMIS (has already been included on to resource publisher by CEG)
Email referrals see contact details attached or post to:
Tobacco Dock, Wapping Lane, London E1W 2SF

Referral contact details:
020 3954 0091

Tower Hamlets Community Learning Disability Service (CLDS)

The Community Learning Disability Service (CLDS) aims to support adults with learning disabilities in Tower Hamlets.

It comprises of 3 sub-teams:
– Community Health and Well-Being
– Mental Health and Behaviour Support
– Transition (to adulthood)

Work undertaken includes support with:
– Promoting healthy lifestyles – Increasing independence and safety – Promoting psychological well-being and supporting mental health – Decision making and capacity- Accessing accommodation support – Accessing employment and meaningful occupation- Interpersonal relationships – Finances- Supporting family and carers

The Team:
– Psychiatry, Clinical Psychology, Community Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Social work, Speech and Language Therapy, Interpreter, Art Therapy, Admin support staff

Community Learning Disabilities Service
2nd Floor Beaumont House
Mile End Hospital, Bancroft Road, London
E1 4DG
Tel: 0207 771 5500
Email: elft.thclds@nhs.net

Service open Monday – Friday 9am to 5pm

Sexual Health

Sexual Health

Minor Eye Conditions Service (MECS) 

Patients can access a schemes for minor eye conditions that is currently running in City & Hackney, Islington, Newham, Tower Hamlets, and Waltham Forest. Find out more information and dedicated pages on each area from this site:

Barts Health GP Direct Access to CT for Suspected Pancreatic Cancer

GP Direct Access to CT for Suspected Pancreatic Cancer

We are writing to update you on GP access to urgent direct investigations for suspected cancer at Barts Health. As you may know, NICE guidelines (NG12; Suspected cancer: recognition and referral) recommended that GPs consider referring patients directly for urgent (within two weeks) investigations in specific clinical situations. The imaging departments across Barts Health will make this service available from 01 September 2021 providing equitable access to NG12 diagnostics across London.

Radiology Process and Safety Netting

You will be able to request an urgent CT abdomen & pelvis for suspected pancreatic cancer via T-quest. For those practices using C the Signs (in Newham and Waltham Forest) this will be included within the risk assessment and recommendations.

GPs should only request an investigation urgently if the patient meets the NICE criteria. Radiology services are under considerable strain, and a request to undertake a test within two weeks should be clearly justifiable on clinical grounds.

  • Consider an urgent direct access CT scan (to be performed within 2 weeks) to assess for pancreatic cancer in people aged 60 and over with weight loss and any of the following:
  • diarrhoea
  • back pain
  • abdominal pain
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • constipation
  • new‑onset diabetes. [2015]
  • The order is built into T-quest with a description of ” CT Pancreas NICE NG12″ and will only be visible for patients 60 and over.
  • Patients must have a recent serum creatinine within the last 3 months, please include the result and date of the test in the clinical details box.
  • If you have any queries about requesting this diagnostic test, please email the Radiology team for further information and advice.

Tower Hamlets:              bartshealth.imagingadviceandsupportrlh@nhs.net

Newham:                         Radiology.gpsupport@nhs.net

Waltham Forest:             Bartshealth.imaging-appointments@nhs.net

  • Practices should ensure they have safety netting systems to follow up patients referred in this way to check that the test has been undertaken within two weeks, and the report received.

Onward Referral

Where the result indicates a suspicious lesion, GPs should refer to the relevant 2WW pathway.

The CT report will signpost the referrer to the most appropriate next step where for example a benign lesion is identified on the scan.

Education & Resources 

There is an online learning resources available on Gateway C and the Healthy London Partnership supporting early diagnosis of Pancreatic Cancer, these can be accessed via the web links below.

Course: Pancreatic Cancer – Early Diagnosis   


Educational support – Healthy London Partnership


ADHD – Tower Hamlets

For patients who live in City & Hackney and Tower Hamlets, here are some local guidance for the Adult ADHD service.

ADHD update for GPs 11th Nov 2021

NameDownload Link
Tower Hamlets Adult ADHD presentation for 11 11 2021 vfinalCLICK TO DOWNLOAD

Spirometry referral (Tower Hamlets)

I am writing to provide you with an important update regarding spirometry referrals to the Adult Respiratory Care and Rehabilitation (ARCARE).  As you may already be aware, there has been a significant increase in demand for spirometry services post-COVID. There is now a 4-5 month waiting for patients referred for spirometry. ARCARE is not set up nor commissioned to handle the entirety of spirometry referrals in Tower Hamlets.  We have now established a collaboration with Barts Health Lung Function Department and ARCARE to address this issue while also supporting the reopening of the primary care networks spirometry hubs.  

In this regard, effective 17th of July 2023, ARCARE will no longer be accepting referrals for spirometry via EMIS or SPA.  Instead all referrals should be directed via the electronic referral system (ERS) choosing the following directory of service:  

Speciality – Diagnostic Physiological Measurement 

Clinic Type – Respiratory – Full Lung Function

GP access Spirometry – Respiratory Medicine – (MEH) – Barts Health NHS Trust – R1H 


GP access Spirometry – Respiratory Medicine – (RLH) – Barts Health NHS Trust – R1H 

We understand this change may impact your service and we apologise in advance for any inconvenience this may cause. Please note any referrals received prior to 17th July 2023 are still being handled according to priority and will not be any further delayed by the new referral process.   

Thank you for your attention and cooperation.  

Dermatology- Royal London

The Barts Health dermatology service at the Royal London has opened up Advice and Guidance with a photo to GP practices in Tower Hamlets. Practices in Tower Hamlets are incentivised to use this pathway via the NIS. Advice and Guidance (A&G) is a function in ERS which enables GP’s to contact consultants for advice.

Template text to send to patient via AccuRX.

‘Dear Miss T.H. Patient,

Following your GP consultation, we would like to get further advice from a skin specialist. Please send us photos of your skin:

by email to < insert practice email address> OR

upload via our website < insert practice website URL> OR

via an e-consult < insert practice e-consult URL>

Follow the link to get some tips on taking useful photos: https://bit.ly/2vI4Hoz’

GP Guide- Dermatology AandG

Referral for Education

Use the Community Health Service form (RP), ensuring you make clear which education programme you are referring to (Type 2 or pre-diabetes) and the patients preferred language.


  1. Patients who do not have English or Bengali as their first language.
  2. Patients who have incomplete information – results within the last 3 months are required (see below).
  3. Patients who do not wish to attend group education.
  4. Patients who require type 1 structured diabetes education should be referred to the Diabetes Specialist Nurse in the first instance. If not under the care of a consultant please make an e-referral. People with Type 1 diabetes will be offered education as part of their package of care by the specialist diabetes team.

Page last reviewed: 13 June 2023

Referral for Dietetic Clinics

Use the Community Health Service form (RP)

Referral criteria for dietetic clinic

British Dietetic Association- Food Fact sheets https://www.bda.uk.com/foodfacts/home

For Type 2 Diabetes- https://www.bda.uk.com/foodfacts/HealthyEating.pdf
For healthy eating- https://www.bda.uk.com/resource/healthy-eating.html

For Type 1 Diabetes- https://www.bda.uk.com/resource/diabetes-type-1.html

Eat Well guide – NHS choices

Standard Referral Letter to Diabetes Service (2)

Page last reviewed: 13 June 2023

Advice for patients with Diabetes

  • Attend the Network Diabetes MDT: these occur bimonthly – six meetings per network per year – your network manager will know the dates. Bring along case records of patients you would like to discuss
  • Email advice: for any diabetes or lipid related advice, please email Tahseen.Chowdhury@bartshealth.nhs.uk
  • Urgent phone advice (in hours or out of hours): Phone RLH switchboard on 020 7377 7000 and ask for the Endocrine Registrar on call (bleep 1585)
  • Phone advice (9-5): Phone Mile End Diabetes Centre on 020 8223 8836 and ask to talk to one of the diabetes nurses. Triage nurse is also available for advice on bleep 1712

Page last reviewed: 13 June 2023

Referrals for Diabetes Specialist Nurse Clinic

Use the Community Health Service form (RP)

Appropriate reasons for referral include:

  1. Adults with Type 1 diabetes mellitus – if not already under consultant care please also refer to consultant using e-referral

  2. Patients recently discharged from hospital who have been started on insulin therapy.

  3. Patients who have recently been admitted to hospital due to hypoglycaemia, Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) or Hyperosmolar Hyperglycaemic State (HHS).

  4. Patients on insulin therapy insulin therapy experiencing hypoglycaemia or symptomatic hyperglycaemia.

  5. Adults with Type 2 diabetes mellitus with HbA1c >75mmol/mol OR HbA1c significantly above target; for example, younger patients (<40 years) with shorter duration of diabetes (<10 years) AND on maximum tolerated oral therapy for consideration of insulin or GLP-1 therapy OR on insulin or GLP-1 therapy requiring further optimisation of glycaemic control

  6. Women with diabetes on agents other than Metformin who are planning pregnancy and require optimisation of blood glucose control – please also refer to the Diabetes Consultant using e-referral


  1. Patients with newly diagnosed Type 2 diabetes should be referred for structured education.
  2. Patients with Type 2 diabetes not on maximum tolerated therapy.

  3. Patients in whom a new diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes is being considered or if the diagnosis of type of diabetes is not clear– contact the Specialist Registrar via Royal London Hospital Switchboard bleep 1585.

  4. Diabetes in pregnancy – refer to the antenatal diabetes clinic.

  5. Referrals to Diabetes Consultants should be made using the e-referral system

Standard Referral Letter to Diabetes Service (1)

Community Diabetes Specialist Nurse Referral Criteria

Referrals for Psychology Clinic

Use the Community Health Service form (RP) , please make sure you have the person’s agreement before referring. If you wish to discuss the referral you can contact me at the Diabetes Care Centre: 0208 223 8836 or sonya.frearson@bartshealth.nhs.uk

See Diabetes Clinical Psychology service leaflet for reasons to refer.  People are encouraged to self-refer and they can use the leaflet to do this.

Click Here – English version 2016

Click Here – Bengali version 2016

E.g. distress (anxiety, low mood, anger), adjustment, self-management, team challenges, needle/injury/blood phobia, eating and body image distress, family/relationship issues

and patient not currently seeing another Psychologist/Therapist and must live in or be registered with a Tower Hamlets GP

Diabetes Psychology Referral Criteria – 2018.04.01

East London Eating Disorder Service (Adults)

Community-based service providing support to adults in Newham, Tower Hamlets, and City & Hackney.

Specialist evidence-based treatment to individuals struggling with eating disorders and disordered eating symptoms

Health for Under 5s

Health for Under 5s | For healthy, happy early years

The Health for Under 5s website, co-designed with families, provides trusted information and health advice for parents and carers from pregnancy through to when a child starts school. There is also lots of additional information and resources for health professionals to ensure the best quality of care for children and families.

Health for Under 5s is part of a suite of websites that support our public health programme for children, young people and families in Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest. Alongside the national content, we will be keeping our Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest sections up to date with local information, news and support services.

Health for Under 5s | For healthy, happy early years

Tower Hamlets Adult Weight Management – Tier 2

Please see below updates for tier 2 adult weight management services commissioned by Public Health.
Click here to Find out more

Weight Action Programme by Queen Mary University of London
Weight Action Programme (WAP) is a free 12-week in-person or online (via Zoom) programme run by specialists from the Health and Lifestyle Research Unit. This service is for adults who live/work/study in Tower Hamlets or registered with a local GP. Patients must have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more or have a BMI of 27.5 for patients from South Asian minority groups.

The programme provides a good chance of finding at least some routines that can be adopted long-term by giving participants a series of tasks throughout the course. Participants will work on their tasks with ‘buddies’ and report to the group on both successes and failures. Also, there is a gradually increasing exercise target, tailored to their needs and capacity.

How to sign up
GP referral: Send the completed referral form on EMIS ‘Weight Management Referral Form TH CEG (RP) v2’ to BHNT.smokersclinic@nhs.net (the team accepts referrals from all PCNs)

Self-refer: Complete WAP eligibility questionnaire or text 07860 040 277 if any questions.

Eat Well and Move Programme by Ability Bow
Eat Well and Move is a free 12-week programme for adults who live/work/study in Tower Hamlets or registered with a local GP who are living with overweight/obesity and are living with a physical disability.

The programme offers one-to-one and small group exercise and nutrition sessions that are very supportive and tailored to individual needs.

Participants can choose sessions that are in-person or remote, or a combination of both. The specialist, qualified and experienced team helps participants set achievable goals, lose weight and advise on how to sustain wellness beyond the programme.

After completion of the programme, participants will have increased physical activity levels and feel confident in eating more healthily after working with a dietician.

Here’s a short video about the programme.
You can also see case studies on YouTube of those who have taken part in the programme.

How to sign up
GP referral: Send the completed referral form on EMIS ‘Disability Weight Management Tier 2 Ability Bow CEG (RP) v2’ to nelondon.abilitybowreferrals@nhs.net or call 020 8980 7778

Self-refer: If you have any questions about joining the programme, visit our website, or contact reception@abilitybow.org or call 020 8980 7778.

Shape Up Programme by ELFT Community Learning Disability Service
Shape Up is a free 12-week programme where participants learn about the importance of moving their bodies and how to eat well in order to improve their overall wellbeing.

Participants, and their carers or support workers, will be supported to develop personalised timetables and identify weekly goals.

The programme offers weekly or fortnightly fitness and information sessions over a minimum of 12 weeks as well as one-on-one input from health and lifestyle professionals. 

Here’s a short video about the programme. You can also see case studies on YouTube of those who have taken part in the programme.

How to sign up
GP referral: send the completed referral form on EMIS ‘Learning Disability Weight Management Tier 2 CLDS CEG (RP) v2’ to elft.shapeup@nhs.net  

Self-refer: If you want to know more about this exciting new programme, please contact the Community Learning Disability Service on 0207 771 5500 or email elft.shapeup@nhs.net.

Tower Hamlets Childrens Asthma Resources

Please see link below copy of Asthma/wheeze pathway TH, ICS doses and BTS management ladder.

BTS_SIGN Asthma Guideline Quick Reference Guide 2019 Children

Asthma nurses and consultant happy to support in primary care we can contact them directly for advice.

Referral to paediatric asthma nurse specialist via GPCG SPA email. Tori Haddaway via community childrens nursing SPA template (in EMIS documents).

Asthma nurses email for queries; th.paedasthmanurse@nhs.net

Paediatric Respiratory Consultant:
Abigail Whitehouse- abigaillouise.whitehouse@nhs.net

Tower Hamlets – Single Point Of Access for Musculoskeletal Conditions Update

Dear Tower Hamlet GP practices, Thank you for all your efforts to make the change over to referrals via eRS […]

Barts Health Renal consultant hotline

For URGENT CLINICAL KIDNEY QUESTIONS REQUIRING CLINICIAN TO CLINICIAN DISCUSSION- significant rise in creatinine, hyperkalaemia, and nephrotic syndrome

– GPs can call the Barts Health renal consultant hot phone 02035945751 Mon – Fri 8.30 to 5pm 

Tower Hamlets Phlebotomy Datix

THGPCG Datix Incidents Reporting (Phlebotomy services Only)

All Tower Hamlets practices can now report incidents related to Tower Hamlets Phlebotomy services through Datix.
(The computer must be linked to the N3 Network (VPN). It will not work if you access from a home PC or personal laptop)

THCG-Phlebotomy-Datix Specimen ReportingGuide

This website is for healthcare professions only.

It is not for public use.

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