TIER Asthma Training

About the National Bundle of Care for Children and Young People with Asthma programme has provided Children Asthma training that all staff should complete to improve awarness on management and should be completed by all NEL CCG Staff.

NHS England and NHS Improvement’s ambition is to reduce avoidable harm to children and young people with asthma and improve their quality of life. This will be achieved by taking a whole system approach to asthma management that includes addressing environmental triggers, a comprehensive education programme, promoting personalised care, effective preventative medicine, and improved accuracy of diagnosis.

NHS England and Improvement have been working with key stakeholders, including young people and their families, to develop a National Bundle of Care for Children and Young People with Asthma to support local systems with the management of asthma care. The programme sets out the blueprint of evidence-based interventions to help children, young people, families, and carers, to control and reduce the risk of asthma attacks and to prevent avoidable harm. The bundle outlines key standards in the care of CYP with asthma throughout every stage of the patient pathway.

A key element to ensure children and young people with asthma receive high standards of asthma care, is relevant training for professionals. One of the outputs of the training, education and competencies national working group has been the development of a capability framework. Asthma (Children and young people) – elearning for healthcare (e-lfh.org.uk)

Tier 1 Administrative staff

Tier 2 All staff with patient contact

Tier 3 All staff doing annual reviews

Tier 4 Staff with specialist interest

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