Learn more about how to become an Asthma Friendly School

Asthma is a treatable long-term condition that affects airways. Tower Hamlets has one of the highest levels of asthma in the country. Currently over 3,000 children under 19 years in Tower Hamlets are diagnosed with asthma. Care plans are one of the most effective ways to control asthma, improve wellbeing and prevent deaths. However, only 1000 of these children have had their care plan updated in the past year. Whilst the responsibility for managing a child’s asthma rests with parent/carers, GPs and/or asthma specialists, schools play a role in ensuring children are safe during school hours. In doing so, schools can spot where care is less than adequate and can flag this to relevant partners.

The Asthma and Allergy Friendly School (AAFS) programme The Asthma and Allergy Friendly Schools program aims to clarify and help schools to ensure that children with asthma are safe and supported when at school. The NHS North East London Integration Board (NHS NEL ICB) and London Borough of Tower Hamlets are encouraging all schools in Tower Hamlets to become Asthma and Allergy Friendly Schools.

The AAFS programme is a national programme aimed at improving outcomes for children with asthma by supporting schools to achieve six care standards for asthma and allergy management to:

• Increase knowledge and confidence in schools, teachers, pupils and parents on asthma management

• Improve school attendance (less days off school due to asthma)

• Reduce the risk of asthma and allergy in schools

The six care standards that schools must achieve to be recognised as an Asthma and Allergy friendly School are:

AFS self certification form

1. Have a signed off Asthma and Allergy policy

2. Have and maintain an Asthma and Allergy register

3. Appoint Asthma/Allergy Champion or team

4. Have 85% of staff complete Asthma and Allergy Awareness

5. All children should have a Standard Asthma/individual Plan

6. Have an Asthma/Allergy Emergency medicine kit

This is a 2 yearly program complete self certification form and let us know how you are getting on. In order to remain asthma friendly over this period all new staff need to do the awareness session, keep your registry and plans up to date with new pupils.

The Asthma and Allergy Friendly Programme is supporting Tower Hamlets Schools to provide effective support for pupils with asthma/allergy/wheeze. Please watch this video to learn how to become an asthma and allergy friendly school https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Obry6tDVxIo

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