EMIS Pathways is a module accessed through EMIS X that is now available to all GP practices within NEL.
The aim of Pathway is to bring together healthcare professions, the NHS and the Life Sciences industry to identify, diagnose and treat at risk patients. It does this by deploying sponsored clinical searches or algorithms at scale and making the results actionable directly through the clinical system (EMIS Web).
Some of the pathway modules are sponsored by industry or organisations (e.g. Barts Health) – which are visible to the practice and can be accepted or declined independently.
Through integrated tools and applications, the solution supports healthcare professionals with managing the care pathway of their patient populations in a more optimised way leading to better outcomes and experiences for patients.
This is completely separate to the LCR / HIE programmes – this is more around interrogating the GP practice for a cohort of patients to do something with – eg patients with atrial fibrillation who may have been lost to follow up or could benefit from a new medication.
EMIS Pathway is a product available to GP practices.
By activating EMIS Pathway, GP practices allow EMIS to process their patient data and present a list of patients that fit a specific pathway project (Pathway module).
GP practices are then able to share details of specific patients with the relevant delivery team for the pathway.
The pathway delivery team (in secondary care) is given a pathway account and when they log in, they are able to see the list of patients shared by the GP practices. On their dashboard, they are able to move the patients in the relevant statuses.
The pathway delivery team are not required to install the system as it is integrated within EMIS.
For example – The aim of the first pathway project was to identify patients who might have or are at risk of having Hepatitis C so that the GP practices can share the details of the relevant patients with the Hepatitis C delivery network. The atrial fibrillation pathway is another use case that is being used.
Further information can be found here:
GP EMIS Now user guide – https://www.emisnow.com/csm?id=kb_article_view&sysparm_article=KB5001199
Barts EMIS Now user guide – https://www.emisnow.com/csm?id=kb_article_view&sysparm_article=KB5001200
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