Children and Young People’s Safeguarding To Enlarge please RIGHT CLICK and ‘open in new TAB’ To Enlarge please RIGHT CLICK and ‘open in new TAB’ To Enlarge please RIGHT CLICK and ‘open in new TAB’ To Enlarge please RIGHT CLICK and ‘open in new TAB’ Contacts999 call when not able to speak; call 999, cough, dial 5524-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline- 0808 2000 247 Parental SupportParental SupportTH send information, advice and supportTower Hamlets Local Offer PathwaysFemale Genital MutilationSuspected NAI (Non accidental injury) in children flowchart ResourcesAdverse childhood experiences (ACE’s) and TraumaChild Safeguarding Toolkit RCGPContextual Safeguarding NetworkCSG staff training requirementsHelping Healthcare Staff Spot The Signs Of Child Sexual Exploitation- Health Education EnglandNational Case Review RepositoryNHS Safeguarding NetworkNICE Guidelines: Child Maltreatment- when to suspect Maltreatment in under 18sSeen and heard- E-learning on child sexual educationTH Support Services for Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) Safeguarding Children’s PartnershipYouth Violence ServicesCompass – Safe EastEarly Help HubHealth Spot in SpotlightIRISLeaving Care Service (LCS)MASH Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub THNEL Child Sexual Abuse Integrated HubPrivate FosteringTower Hamlets – School Attendance and WelfareTower Hamlets and City of London Youth Justice ServiceTower Hamlets Home SchoolingYoung Carers: Support and Advice Header text Additional Resources CNBA guidance flow chart TH primary care Oct 24 final TH Primary care CSG flowcharts contacts escalations processing reports -sept 24