MMR vaccinations and update on call / recall

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Thank you for your continued support for the MMR vaccinations programme. Below is an update re: GP Staff MMR Vaccinations and attached is a slide pack for FAQs. 

GP Staff:

In light of the national measles outbreak and urgency to support rapid uptake of the MMR vaccine, we are permitting practices to administer MMR vaccines to their eligible staff who are registered with another practice under INT (immediately necessary treatment). Please note this is a time limited arrangement until 31 March 2024 in light of the on-going national incident and only applies to MMR vaccinations.  

An item of service fee cannot be claimed for the administration of MMR vaccines to staff registered with another practice. However, indemnity cover will be provided through CNSGP and nationally supplied MMR stock can be used to vaccinate eligible staff. Staff must be strongly encouraged to inform their registered practice that they have received an MMR vaccine, requesting it be included in their medical record.

Update on the National Call/Recall for MMR:

The National team have acknowledgement that the number of children called through the MMR national call/recall was higher than the number of children who were actually eligible and have recognized this has resulted in a lot of additional work for GP Practices.

The search mechanisms in the data extraction of the software has now been corrected and, there will be a temporary pause on the roll out of ages 16 to 19 and 19 to 25 years old and a review of the content of the letter/ messaging. The revised timeline will start from 4th March. 

If you have any further queries, please contact the London regional immunisation team

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