NEL Referral Form Development

Across NEL ICB, referral forms are published directly into the GP clinical system (EMIS Web/TPP Systmone). This allows all primary care sites using EMIS Web/TPP SystmOne across NEL to have the the most up to date form / templates to refer / communicate about their patietns.

CEG will convert Word referral forms into EMISWeb/Tpp SystmOne document template files that GP practices can access directly within their clinical system so that the demographic and clinical information about the patient gets merged automatically and the completed form is saved in the patient’s record. CEG will curate the referral form / template catalogue within the environment of the EMISWeb module called ‘Resource Publisher’ or TPP SystmOne module called ‘Word Letter Templates’ which allows to publish to all GP practices at the same time.

To request a referral form conversion, please complete the form below and email it to:

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