Category: Uncategorized
Foundation Pharmacist Training: What’s in it for me? (6 February)
Events and resources to support the implementation and growth of foundation pharmacist training.
close International Infection Prevention and Control Week
We close International Infection Prevention and Control Week by focusing on safety across all care settings. Norovirus, a highly contagious […]
Be Prepared – Influenza and Outbreak Management Resources
Today’s theme focuses on public health preparedness. As we approach flu season, it’s critical to stay informed on how to prevent and manage outbreaks.
Medicine Supply Notification: NovoRapid® insulin aspart FlexTouch®
The contents of this MSN can be viewed on the Medicines Supply Tool.
Helping you prepare for the expansion of the Universal Care Plan
Please attend these webinars, which are being held to discuss the upcoming changes to the Universal Care Plan that go live in December this year.
Health Inequalities and vaccine uptake – 26 October
You are invited to this meeting where two nurses from North West London will share their experiences on increasing vaccine uptake in various communities using a holistic healthcare approach.
Implementation of NHS-Industry Partnership Guidance at a Primary Care Level
Please read about the development and launch of the NHS Confed and ABPI joint guidance on partnership working between NHS organisations and pharmaceutical industry. The slide pack also features information on upskilling sessions taking place in Nov.
Contractual requirements regarding de-registering patients
A reminder regarding removing patients from a practice list.
Do you know where to send patients if they need free lateral flow device tests
If you know of patients who are entitled to free LFDs please make sure they have their NHS letter to confirm eligibility.
The NHS Violence Reduction Academy webinar: Learning from Primary Care
Take the opportunity to sign up for this webinar. The event will showcase two innovative primary care led models working to prevent and reduce violence for young people and their families.
Management of patients with heart damage from Kawasaki Disease
Guidance for the management of Kawasaki disease.
Learning Disability Annual Health Check Framework development
This is your opportunity to profile your practice. We are looking for examples of work in local systems which aim to improve the quality and consistency of learning disability annual health checks and health action plans.
Cradling cultures maternity support
Did you know you can refer pregnant women who are unable to speak English fluently for support through their pregnancy. Find out more including accessing the referral form.
CVD Academy Applications Open 2024/5
Sign up for this free to attend 12 month programme by 18 Nov. This programme equips primary care professionals with the knowledge, skills and networks they need to lead and implement innovations in CVD prevention.
Shingles Vaccination Programme 2024/25 – Data Issue CQRS
We would like to inform you of an issue identified when testing the first data extraction for the Shingles Vaccination Programme 2024/25
RPS and RCGP repeat prescribing toolkit
A practical toolkit is now available to help improve the consistency, safety and efficiency of repeat prescribing systems in England.
6-8 Week Maternal Post Natal Consultation
Please see below information and link to Postnatal Consultation , “What good looks like” Webinary next Tuesday evening. Also please […]
General Practice Actions for The Safe Use of Valproate in Men within NEL
New evidence has shown a possible association between valproate use in men at conception with increased risk of neurodevelopmental disorders in children.
B&D: Asthma and allergy friendly schools
As part of a national programme aimed at improving the outcomes of CYP with asthma, the NEL-ICB is encouraging all schools in B&D to become ‘Asthma and Allergy Friendly’.
Procurement Process for Aldersbrook Medical Centre (Redbridge)
If you wish to bid for this opportunity, then you will need to be pre-registered on the portal.
Updated advice on post-exposure prophylaxis for chickenpox and shingles
The briefing note has been re-issued with updated advice and to cascade pathways.
The North East London General Practice Nurse Vocational Training Scheme – January 2025
NEL Primary Care Lead Nurses are now planning for the January 2025, 4th cohort of the General Practice Nurse Vocational Training Scheme (GPN VTS) for Registered Nurses in General Practice.
Tier 2 Medicine Supply Notification (MSN) for torasemide 10mg tablets
The contents of this MSN can be viewed on the Medicines Supply Tool.
Information and Action – RSV vaccination ordering
The same RSV vaccine is used for both the older adult and the maternal programmes; however, vaccine supply for each programme is managed separately.
REMINDER: 2024/25 Directed Enhanced Services (DES) Quarterly Claims Deadline
This is a reminder that the 24/25 Quarterly claims deadline for the 2nd quarter is 10 October 2024.
REMINDER PCN Enhanced Access Claim Form Q2 2024/25 DEADLINE 31 October 2024
A gentle reminder that the deadline for submitting the EA DES Q2 claim is 31 October 2024.
Primary care patient safety strategy
This strategy outlines the process for primary care services to implement the NHS patient safety strategy.
Updated: MPox action cards
Please find the updated Mpox action card for management of suspected cases.
Guidance Notes on Abrysvo® Respiratory Syncyntial Virus (RSV) Vaccination Delivery 2024
Please download and read the guidance.
Network Contract Directed Enhanced Service (DES) contract documents
Please see attached
‘Doing what we do but a bit greener’ – free training for Primary Care Staff
Join our online series, led by Dr. Matt Sawyer, a GP from the North East of England and a leader in sustainable GP surgery training.
North East London (NEL) Non-Medial Prescribing Policy Version 2.0
The policy aims to ensure that prescribing by all non-medical prescribers is robustly managed in NEL GP Practices and Community Pharmacies
Childhood vaccine conversation confidence webinars
For those who missed the sessions we have a link to the recording.
Phasing out of GMS1
By 31 October 2024 all practices are required to adopt the online service and a new paper registration form.
Help shape future for surgical services across north east London
As referring clinicians we would really value your insight, experience and view on these services to feed into this work.
GP webinar
The next monthly GP webinar takes place on Thursday 5 September, 5 – 6pm
CPD Certified LGBTQ+ Awareness Training
It gives staff the knowledge and skills to understand, support, and achieve positive outcomes for LGBTQ+ adults and young people.
MHRA Class 3 Medicines Recall: Accord-UK Ltd, Trandolapril 0.5mg, 2mg, 4mg Capsules, EL(24)A/35
Accord-UK Ltd is recalling specified batches after retesting showed out of specification results.
Urgent: Demonstrations
The deplorable violence and intimidation seen in the last few days we know will have greatly impacted our communities and colleagues. To those affected we offer our support and solidarity, you are valued and you are welcomed.
Message in response to the current violence across the country
As a health and care system in north east London we are clear that there is no place for racism and action which seeks to turn on parts of our community and stir up hatred.
Seasonal Flu programmes – CQRS service offers
These services have only been offered in CQRS to those practices that completed the sign-up form up to mid-day 16 July 2024, confirming that they will be providing the services this year.