Preparations for an Autumn/Winter 2024/25 flu and COVID-19 seasonal campaign letter and key actions for providers

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Please see attached: PRN01327 – Preparations for an Autumn/Winter 2024/25 flu and COVID-19 seasonal campaign letter from the national team.

Key actions for all providers who wish to participate in the Autumn 2024 campaign (including, but not limited to, existing providers of COVID-19 vaccination services) are:

  • Visit the online portal  and complete the Response Document by 23:59 on 27 June 2024 to participate in the Autumn 2024 campaign.
  • Read the following Guidance and Terms which outline the process and key deadlines in full.
  • Familiarise yourself with the Minimum Requirements set out in the site sign-up process. NHS Standard Contract holders, PCN Groupings and Community Pharmacies, GP federations, independent sector providers, charities and other healthcare providers will be able to apply to hold a COVID-19 vaccination service contract subject to meeting the Minimum Requirements.  

This is on the website here:

Copy of letter

This website is for healthcare professions only.

It is not for public use.

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