BHRUT – Virtual treatment pathways for simple fractures

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Virtual Treatment Pathways for Simple Fractures

Virtual Treatment Pathways support people, who would otherwise be booked into the hospital’s trauma and orthopaedics outpatient appointment, to look after their care and treatment they need in their own home or usual place of residence. Virtual Treatment Pathways are suitable for a range of stable fractures that can be safely and effectively monitored at home. 

The use of Virtual Treatment Pathways has been rolled out throughout many trusts in the UK and has many benefits, such as: 

  • Save time and capacity within the traditional fracture clinic service and improving patient’s access to care
  • Reduced patient anxiety, an education tool
  • Improves patient experience, reduced hospital visits – less money spent travelling and parking for appointments 

Patients who have a stable fracture and internet access will be provided with a patient information leaflet directing them to the BHRUT’s website where they will have access to advice and support on how to manage their injury and will be discharged from the hospital with no follow-up required.

However, if the patient has any queries or needs any extra support, they can call the Virtual Fracture Clinic.

Any patients who do not meet the criteria or do not have internet access will remain on the traditional pathways.

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