Autumn/Winter 23/24 COVID-19 and Flu Campaign Timing

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In the JCVI statement for the Autumn 2023 COVID-19 vaccination programme, it was advised “to optimise protection over the winter months, the autumn programme should aim to complete vaccination by early December 2023”.  Aligned to this, the programme set out an ask in the system letter for sites to aim to complete vaccination for all cohorts by 15 December 2023 to provide individuals with the best protection ahead of the winter season.

To accommodate this, the last day that bookings for COVID-19, co-administration and flu can be made will be the 14 December 2023, for availability on the 15 December. As indicated in the Bulletin dated 09 November, sites should not post clinics on NBS for dates after 15 December 2023. NBS will remain available on 15 December should someone wish to cancel an appointment during that day. 

COVID-19 vaccinations can continue for eligible cohorts up to 31 January 2024 where it will improve uptake in the local population.  This might be through mechanisms such as LBS, walk ins, opportunistic vaccinations, or outreach activity.  Local systems and providers will benefit from working together to consider the best approach to increase uptake for local populations, including underserved communities.  Systems and Sites are reminded that individuals who are diagnosed as newly severely immunosuppressed will continue to be eligible for COVID-19 vaccination throughout the year. Opportunities for COVID-19 vaccination and signposting to availability should be in place. A Patient Specific Direction (PSD) will be required to allow for administration.

To facilitate ongoing COVID-19 vaccinations, based on localised approaches, supply of the vaccine will continue to be available to sites. TDM (Targeted Deployment Model) will continue to run auto replenishment up to and including the 12 December, for delivery until 15 December. Further information regarding TDM can be found in Appendix 1 at the end of this note. The current nationally published legal mechanisms for administration of COVID-19 vaccines will continue to be active up to 31 January 2024.  A PSD will be needed for those requiring vaccination after the end of the Autumn / Winter 2023 campaign.

Item of Service payment for COVID-19 will continue for vaccinations up to the end of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign on 31 January 2024, and for vaccination of newly diagnosed severely immunosuppressed people until the end of the current contract 31 March 2023.

Flu vaccinations:

Flu vaccinations during the Autumn/Winter 23/24 campaign, should be completed by 15 December 2023 for school aged cohorts, as stated in the National flu immunisation programme letter. Other eligible cohorts should ideally be offered flu vaccinations in the Autumn before flu starts circulating but can continue until 31 March 2024. NBS will close for flu on 15th December 2023, alongside the linked COVID-19 NBS site. Sites should not post NBS calendars for flu appointments after 15 December 2023, any calendars posted past this date should be removed. NBS will remain available on 15 December should someone wish to cancel an appointment during that day.

Thank you for your continued efforts to deliver the programme. 

Appendix 1: Targeted Deployment Model:

From 13 December, all COVID-19 vaccine will need to be requested via the Supply Planner exceptions process, for deliveries from 18 December until 31 January. There will be a pause in deliveries between 23 December and 4 January to allow for Christmas and New Year. Requests should be aligned to packdown volumes where possible, to ensure supply is in line with demand levels. Once approved, orders will then automatically flow through to sites and become visible on the Supply Dashboard. The main vaccine in use at present is Comirnaty 30 XBB.1.5, should this change further communication will be issued in advance.

Sites planning to stop vaccinating post the 15 December date, must ensure that no COVID-19 vaccine stock becomes stranded. Sites are required to manage the closure/hibernating process to ensure viable vaccine stock is either used prior to closure/hibernation, or where practically possible, transferred to an alternative active site in advance of the planned closure/hibernation.  Any vaccine movement must be performed in accordance with the Transfer of COVID-19 vaccines between NHS Vaccination Sites, including recording on Foundry and using the Vaccine Transfer application before site becomes inactive. If a site is moving vaccine stock to another site, all linked consumables must be sent with it, including Patient Information Leaflets, combined needles and syringes and wipes.

In some circumstances, stock may need to be disposed of locally, for instance where the stock is very close to its expiry and cannot be used by the site or by a nearby site before the vaccine is no longer viable. In such circumstances, standard procedures for local disposal should be followed. It is essential that any disposals are recorded in Foundry’s Site Stock Manager under the wastage report. All fields should be accurately completed, including batch number, expiry date, quantity (in either doses or vials), category and reason. This will ensure that stock records remain accurate. A final stocktake must then be carried out against each vaccine type you have held on-site, to confirm all vaccine balances as zero. All the above actions must be completed prior to a site closing/hibernating and being marked as inactive on Foundry.

Guidance on how to pause sites has already been issued and can be found here

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