Launching 2023 NEL Primary care workforce awards

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We are thrilled to come together in collaboration across the NEL ICS Primary care team and NEL training hubs to extend a warm invitation for your participation in the NEL Primary Care Workforce Awards 2023.

Over the past years, each member of our dedicated workforce has encountered numerous challenges and unprecedented pressures. It is imperative that we take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate the remarkable efforts and unwavering commitment demonstrated by our exceptional teams and individuals. This event provides a unique opportunity to honour and express our gratitude for their resilience and hard work.

We have carefully curated a diverse range of categories designed to recognize outstanding teams and individuals, encompassing cross-organisational collaborations. Please refer to the Entry Guidance document, which provides a comprehensive list of categories and their respective criteria.

Both teams and individuals are encouraged to submit nominations for multiple categories, and collaborative applications are also welcome. The deadline for submitting nominations is set for Friday 27 October. Subsequently, a distinguished judging panel will be responsible for shortlisting the entrants, with a ceremony scheduled for Thursday 7 December in Stratford, 12pm Onwards.

For complete information on how to submit your nominations, please consult the Entry Guidance document.

Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to reach out to me –

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