UKHSA – Urgent public health message – outbreak of food botulism in France involving a number of British nationals

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This is an urgent public health message to all front-line clinicians regarding an outbreak of food botulism involving a number of British nationals. The outbreak has been linked to consumption of home-prepared sardines served by a restaurant in Bordeaux, France called the Tchin Tchin Wine Bar, between 4 and 10 September 2023.

Symptoms of food borne botulism include vomiting and diarrhoea, followed by constipation which might precede neurological symptoms.

Please see the following link which contains further information including symptoms, testing and referral: Food botulism: outbreak in France involving British nationals – GOV.UK (

NHS Trusts, please bring this to the attention of your Emergency Departments, neurologists and medical teams in particular.


UKHSA – urgent public health message

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