UKHSA Health Protection Briefing Note: Increasing detection and outbreaks of Candidozyma (Candida) auris in hospitals in England.

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UKHSA is responding to increasing detections of Candidozyma (Candida) auris in hospitals and is managing this as a routine incident with a multi-stakeholder incident management team. During 2023-24, there have been significant outbreaks affecting two NHS tertiary referral hospitals in London and the South East UKHSA regions. There have been a small number of associated cases involving patient transfers to other London hospitals. There have also been unlinked sporadic introductions into other Trusts across the UK including the other devolved nations. Whilst the vast majority of cases identified represent (asymptomatic) colonisations rather than infections, C. auris outbreaks can result in serious infections, and substantial service disruption with financial costs as measures are put in place to reduce risk to patients.

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