Updated PGDs for MMR, Typhoid, PCV and Notice of extension of validity for PCV Risk Groups PGD

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NHS England – London has published updated PGDs and a Notice of extension of validity for one of the PGDs on its website. This can be accessed at http://www.england.nhs.uk/london/immunis-team/

The updated PGDs are:

  • NHSE UKHSA Typhoid PGD v4.00

 The Notice of extension of validity is for PCV Risk Groups PGD v5.00.

Practices should ensure that any registered healthcare professional who is due to administer vaccinations under these PGDs should be made aware of these updated versions and the Notice of extension of validity.

 If you have any queries, please contact the London Immunisations team via england.londonimms@nhs.net.

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