Update to requirement for recording of flu vaccination events by PCN groupings

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Following feedback from practices, the 2023/24 seasonal flu ES specification is being updated to amend the recording requirements for synergistically delivered flu vaccinations by PCN groupings (i.e. flu only clinics run by a PCN grouping). A PCN grouping’s constituent practices will now be able to elect to record flu only vaccination events in either their GP IT clinical system or their PCN grouping’s point of care system (PoC).

The system to be used must be agreed and adopted by all practices in the PCN grouping to reduce the burden of post payment verification work to address any duplicate recordings and payments.

The position with regards to the following has not changed:

  • PCN groupings that co-administer flu and COVID-19 vaccinations must still record their flu (and COVID-19) vaccination events in a PoC system.

Individual practices must continue to use their GP IT system for practice delivered flu vaccinations or collaborations. under an Influenza Collaboration Agreement

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