Seasonal Flu Services 2024-25 CQRS

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The CQRS service offers for Child Flu and Seasonal Flu have now been released to all practices that completed the form confirming their intent to provide flu services for 2024-25.  There are just over 100 practices who are yet to accept these service offers and we ask that these are accepted as soon as possible.

To check the status for your practice, select the Participation Management tab from the home screen within the CQRS system.  If your practice has not yet accepted the offer, it will be visible at this point and can be accepted.  If the screen shows no offered service, select “accepted” from the Quality Service Status drop down and the items should be showing, meaning that the practice has already accepted the offers and no further action is needed.

The payment terms remain at a 3-month deadline for practices to validate and submit claims, for both programmes, and are outlined in Section 11 of the attached document.

Please be reminded that only pregnant women and child flu vaccinations can be given from 1 September 2024.  All other cohorts are to receive vaccinations from the 3 October 2024 start date.   Vaccinations given prior to the official start dates will not be eligible for a payment.  The full eligibility criteria and programme start dates are listed within the Annual Flu Letter (link below). 

To note it is by exception as stated in the flu letter where an earlier vaccination may be considered:

Following clinical assessment, there may be a small number of other adults for whom it would be better not to delay flu vaccination until October. For example, for those who are due to commence immunosuppressive treatment (such as chemotherapy) before October, having flu vaccine before they start treatment would allow them to make a better response to their vaccination. GPs should use clinical judgement to bring forward vaccination in exceptional circumstances, as outlined in the Green Book, and offer vaccination as soon as vaccine comes available in line with contractual arrangements.

National flu immunisation programme 2024 to 2025 letter – GOV.UK (

The following clauses are contained with the Seasonal Influenza Vaccination ES in regard to programme starts dates. 


3.1 – The administration of vaccinations shall commence with effect from the Service Commencement Date. The Service Commencement Date will be announced and authorised by the Commissioner.

9.3 – Practices must not commence vaccinations prior to the announcement and authorisation by the Commissioner (NHS England).

Payment and validation

11.1     Subject to compliance with this ES, a payment of £10.06 shall be payable to the Practice for the administration of each influenza vaccination to Patients.

11.2. Practices will only be eligible for payment in accordance with this ES where all of the following requirements have been met and payment is conditional on:

  1. the Patient who received the vaccination(s) was a Patient at the time the vaccine was administered, and all of the following apply:
  1. the Practice has only used the specified vaccines recommended in this ES and/or Commissioner guidance;
  2. the Patient in respect of whom payment is being claimed was within an announced and authorised cohort at the time the vaccine was administered, unless exceptional circumstances apply as set out at paragraph 9.7 and the vaccination was administered after the announced and authorised date for the vaccinations to take place;

Please contact our team at with queries about the CQRS service offers and payments. 

For general queries about the programme, please contact

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