Reporting Dashboards available in NEL ICB

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The Data Service in NEL ICB, have created several reporting dashboards focused on providing practices with insight and analysis of their patient population and the patient’s circumstances and conditions. These dashboards are available to GP practices and ICB management and analytics teams.

We want to make sure that you know about the existence of these dashboards and the fact that they are available to you and colleagues within the ICB.

These Dashboards provide valuable insights into the population of North East London, their demographics, and their medical and personal circumstances. The dashboards are ‘live’, constantly updated with new data, reflect the changing picture in NEL ICB. They are also interactive meaning you can filter the data to answer the questions that you have. We want to make sure that you are aware this information is available to you but also what we are doing with your patients’ data.

We take patient confidentiality very seriously so all dashboards include a number of features to ensure patient data remains anonymous and individuals cannot be identified.

  • Anonymised Data – Names, Addresses, NHS Numbers and Dates of Birth are never included in the dashboards
  • Aggregated Data – We only ever provide counts or percentages of patients. Never showing an individual’s details
  • Low Number Suppression – If there are very low numbers of patients in a certain category we will obscure that count entirely so there is no risk of identification.
  • Deliberately Obscuring Data – We will hide individual details, for example, we use age bands rather than showing specific ages. This ensures anonymity in the counts.
  • We apply Type-1-Opt-Outs – Never using patient data in a dashboard if they have expressed their preference for their data to be excluded.

All the dashboards we have built are focused on prevalence i.e. the number of instances of a diagnosis, observation or activity. These numbers can be filtered by key factors such as Borough, PCN, Practice or patient demographics (age band, ethnicity and gender).

We currently have a number of dashboards available to all practices in NEL who participate in the NEL Data Sharing Framework Agreement available on the Data Controller Console. They cover a range of NHS activities but we think you might be particularly interested in:

  • Primary Care Dashboard Suite
  • LTC (Long Term Conditions) Register

If Practice staff want to use these dashboards to see this analysis of demographics and perveance data you can request access. Simply log a ‘Request for Dashboard Access’ via the LondonHDS ServiceDesk.

Please note you will need to create an account on the LondonHDS ServiceDesk if you don’t already have one, must make one request per dashboard and must accept the terms and conditions of use. All Information Governances and security steps in ensuring the data is kept safe and is only accessible to authorised colleagues.

If you need help getting access, have any questions or wish find out more please contact Tony Harvey at a member of the ICB Data Service Team.


Reporting dashboards available in NEL ICB

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