PCN – ARRS update

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There have been a number of queries and issues in respect of the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) claims for this year. 

We would therefore like to clarify some of these issues and the process and timing for ARRS for 23/24. 

The Network Contract DES service specification for 23/24 details the overall process for claiming reimbursable amounts for ARRS.

NHS England » Network Contract Directed Enhanced Service (DES) 

There will be changes to the Network Contract DES from April 2024 and we are awaiting guidance from NHS England (NHSE) following their review. 

For ARRS it is crucial that all PCNs make timely claims to ensure that the funding for ARRS is accurately reflected when NHSE are analysing and benchmarking funding for future years. 

Regular monthly claims will ensure that the costs for ARRS is reported accurately for this year 23/24. If this is not done, then PCNs could run the risk of shortfalls in their ARRS funding from next year. 

Also, it is essential to inform the Primary Care team, before the end of December, of any confirmed plans for appointing new ARRS staff or filling vacancies that will start before the end of March 2024. This will allow appropriate forecasting and allocations of ARRS funds for this year. 

All claims for ARRS roles must be claimed monthly through the Primary Care Workforce Portal – Home  · Primary Care Workforce Portal 

The funding available for ARRS under the Network Contract DES is maximum of £22.671 multiplied the PCN contractor weighted population as at January 2023. PCNs can use the ready reckoner tool to calculate their ARRS sum for 2023/24 –

NHS England » Practice and Primary Care Network (PCN) income ready reckoner for 2023/24 

The tool will give the total amount that is claimable for each PCN. To note the ARRS funds are held at the national level and ICBs do not directly get this funding. The ARRS funds are drawn down by the ICB based on the approved claims PCNs make on the portal. 

With the financial pressures on the NHS and ICBs, NHS England are closely scrutinising the ARRS workforce and the forecast expenditure for the year. It is therefore crucial that claims are made timely.   

So, to remind PCNs:

  • All ARRS claims meet the eligibility criteria within the Network Contract DES service specification
  • PCNs must make claims on a monthly basis, by the 15th of each month, following the month that is being claimed for; e.g. a claim must be submitted on the workforce portal by 15th November for ARRS for the month of October.
  • The evidence required for claims include payslips, signed contracts of employment and signed Service Level Agreements. In addition start dates and if relevant end dates must be entered.
  • Please ensure all claims on the online portal, match the name displayed on the payslip as displayed on the employee ID criteria; claims with initials will be rejected.
  • If outsourced companies are used, please identify employee ID as role with a unique number e.g. ‘Outsourced Pharmacy Technician 1’
  • PCNs are required to stay within their maximum ARRS sum claimable for each year, in line with the rules set out in the Network Contract DES Specification. If a PCN exceeds this sum, it will not be reimbursed and the PCN will have to accept the financial risk.
  • PCNs now have the functionality to remove an individual claim line within any Claim ID on the portal. Feedback from the national team is to remove any claim line that has zero-cost, otherwise these will continue to rollover every month. This also has an adverse effect when looking at whole time equivalents unless removed. 

On an exceptional basis, if a claim is going to be delayed, PCNs must contact the Primary Care Team urgently, to explain the reasons for the delay. This will allow the Commissioner to account and budget for the claim when reporting to NHSE. 

PCNs should note that the Network Contract DES Specification states at 10.5.10 

  1.        The PCN complies with the relevant local payment arrangements including submitting a workforce related claim in accordance with this Specification prior to the expiration of any deadline set by the local commissioner as part of the local payment arrangements;
  2.          The PCN makes any returns required of it and does so promptly and fully; and
  3.           All information supplied pursuant to or in accordance with this Network Contract DES Specification is complete and accurate. 

Also, the NHSE ARRS Claim Portal FAQs (August 2023) at 5 & 6 state –

 “As per the Network Contract DES, Additional Role Reimbursement Scheme payments are made monthly in arrears following the start of employment or commencement of service provision but within the same financial year” and

The portal will allow you to submit backdated claims should you require provided they are for a claim in the same financial year or a maximum of three months after the end of the previous financial year.”. (enclosed). 

From the above to restate, PCNs will need to claim timely or to inform the Primary Care Team if there is going to be any delay in claims. This will hopefully avoid the potential for late claims being rejected. 

Also enclosed is the Central Primary Care Team’s process map for managing ARRS claims. 

We hope this is helpful in clarifying the ARRS process and funding for this year. 

If you have any queries please contact the Central Primary Care Team: Nelondon.nel-primarycare@nhs.net  

Kind Regards

Alison Goodlad
Deputy Director of Primary Care Commissioning
NHS North East London
Part of North East London Health
and Care Partnership
Leilla Shaikh
Deputy Director of Primary Care Delivery
NHS North East London
Part of North East London Health and Care Partnership

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