NHS pensions for general practice staff

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 For employees

The national NHSE team have commissioned webinars for employees in general practice – further details of the webinars are available here and employees are invited to sign up to the seminars and are directed to the most appropriate seminar for them based on their submitted details

Please also share details of a very helpful RCN webinar that addressed pensions issues for general practice staff; whilst aimed initially at GPNs it is very pertinent to other general practice staff including the new ARRS roles and non-clinical staff

For employers

Know your responsibilities when is comes to NHS Pensions Administration – Calling GP practices, PCNs and GP Federations and their pension administrators

The NHS Pension Scheme is complicated to administer and the consequences of getting it wrong can be devastating.

Hill Dickinson Primary Care Team are hosting a webinar on the 24th January 24th 1230-1400 aimed at General Practice, PCN and Federation Employers and their pensions administrators, covering points including:

  • NHS Pension Scheme employing authority
  • The legal responsibilities of employers under pension legislation, including pensions regulations
  • Common errors with real life case studies
  • Practical tips for good pensions administration.
  • Advice from Alison Oliver, Paula Warnock and Amy Milson of Hill Dickinson and speakers Jan Harley-Doyle and Gill Rogers.

To join the session please register here for the session:  https://www.hilldickinson.com/events/nhs-pensions-scheme-your-responsibilities-employer

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It is not for public use.

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