NHS NEL GP Data Protection Officer monthly newsletter

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The NHS NEL GP DPO team publish a monthly newsletter that is aimed at Practice Managers, champions and leads who are responsible for information governance compliance at their practice.

We work closely with GP IT Facilitators, NEL Data Access Group, NEL ICB IG team and the NEL Data Service team who all have roles in supporting information governance work within the NEL ICS. As a result we use the newsletter to share news and developments on data protection matters that are currently on our radar. We also tell you about the NEL ICS projects (programmes, services and research) involving your GP data that has gone to your Data Protection Officer to help with the IG assessment.

In February’s newsletter we covered the importance (a legal requirement) of appointing a Data Protection Officer, and we have provided a checklist for practices to use as a guide for when a new DPO is appointed. We have also included an update on the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill, recent news from OneLondon about new data sharing of the London Care Record, and a linked article about reporting dashboards from our colleagues in the NEL Data Service team.

We also recommend reading our newsletters from December and January, as we covered important IG topics like the NEL ICS Data Sharing Framework, updating the Data Controller Console and preparation work to complete the 2023-2024 DSPT.

All our newsletters can be found on the NHS NEL GP DPO Self-Service Portal for GP practices: NHS NEL GP DPO Newsletters (sharepoint.com). If you or your IG staff don’t have access to the SharePoint site you can request it by clicking on the link: A3A8R_GPDSPT – Home (sharepoint.com)

February newsletter: NHS NEL GP DPO Newsletter – February 2024 (sharepoint.com)

January newsletter: NHS NEL GP DPO Newsletter – January 2024 (sharepoint.com)

December newsletter: NHS NEL GP DPO Newsletter – December 2023 (sharepoint.com) 

If you would like us to cover an IG topic in the newsletter, please email the NHS NEL GP DPO team at: nel.gpdpoig@nhs.net

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