NHS App Guidance for GP Practices.

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The London Digital First has produced the NHS App Guidance for GP Practices. Download the guidance doc and you can also access it on FutureNHS here

The document aims to:

  • educate staff about the different features available within the NHS App, so that they have the knowledge and confidence to support their patients to use it
  • provide guidance on what practices need to configure/switch on in order to maximise functionality available
  • signpost to a range of resources, promotional materials and examples of good practice happening locally 

The document is interactive so you can navigate directly to an area of interest, and use it as a modular tool. 

NHSE Digital First team will be looking to coordinate a set of webinars/virtual sessions to complement and give context to the guidance pack – further details will be confirmed soon. 

The NHS App is ever-developing and therefore the content is subject to change; for this reason, we will make an effort to update the information regularly and have included a slide on version control for this purpose – please check the FutureNHS page to ensure you are viewing the latest version.

This website is for healthcare professions only.

It is not for public use.

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