Newham: Latent TB Screening test changes in lab reporting

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Newham practices have been receiving T-Spot (Latent blood test) results via path links into EMIS alongside other test results from Barts/Homerton Pathology Lab. Due to operational issues at the Lab, the T-Spot results will no longer be reported by the Lab in this way.  Revvity (previously known as Oxford Immunotec) will be reporting all T-Spot results to practices via practices’ generic inboxTo ensure a seamless transition and safeguard receipt of urgent results, the pathology lab will be reporting positive/borderline positive/borderline negative T-Spot results via path links until 1st May 2024. Thereafter, this will method of receipt of results will cease. 

What should practices do next?

  • Inform all colleagues,  particularly Administrators who code results,  of the new reporting pathway and follow usual practice process for actioning test results
  • Results received from Revvity to the practice generic inbox must be coded onto the patient EMIS record using the following codes on the ‘RP Latent TB’ template:
    • Code Interferon Gamma Assay negative (IGRA) for negative/borderline negative results
    • Code Interferon Gamma Assay positive (IGRA) for positive /borderline positive results
    • Code Interferon Gamma Assay indeterminate (IGRA) results (patient to be retested by practice after 6 – 8 weeks)
  • The Revvity PDF results report must also be saved into the patient EMIS record
  • Remember, positive/borderline positive results should be followed up by the practice according to the Newham Latent TB pathway.

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