Newham: ADHD referral form implementation (EMIS)

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As you may be aware, NHS ADHD services across the UK have been experiencing an unprecedented rise in ADHD referrals, resulting in severe capacity issues. The Newham ADHD service is continually working towards optimising the pathway – although limited by the resources available.

In the aim of service optimisation, the Newham Adult ADHD Service has created a separate ADHD referral form to help stratify referrals in accordance with the need and complexity. It is now available for use in EMIS – (Please find at the bottom of the page).

It is a 2-part form; Section A to be completed by the referrer, and Section B to be completed by the patient themselves – preferably prior to attending the appointment.

In addition to streamlining your referral, this form is designed to reduce the burden for GPs by (i) not having to provide a detailed childhood history (ii) not having to perform ECG and/ bloods as a prerequisite (iii) the most recent readings for BP, pulse, weight and height automatically being ‘pulled’ from EMIS clinical records.

In view of the BMA guidance for collective action, they are aware that there are complexities around the use of referral forms – and thus, understand if there is apprehensive towards using this tool. For this reason, it is advised that the option is there for use, as appropriate.  

They understand that primary care are faced with an array of challenges relating to ADHD and woefully empathise how difficult this is in light of the current climate. They as a service, have been focusing on avenues to provide/offer support primary care colleagues and will be providing further updates into the New Year.

Thank you once again – and please do not hesitate to get in touch if you would like to discuss any matters concerning ADHD within Newham.

Sho Khan
ADHD Operational Lead
Newham Adult ADHD Service


Service Email:

Tel: 020 3288 5100


ADHD Referral form – section A

ADHD Referral form – section B

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