New RNOH/GIRFT national report outlines measures to improve care for Tuberculosis patients

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A new data-driven national report into Tuberculosis (TB) services across England outlines measures which can improve services for TB patients and the NHS staff who care for them. Produced by the Getting It Right First Time projects team at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital (RNOH/GIRFT), this review shares critical findings and recommendations to help reduce the burden of TB on patients, their carers, providers of TB services and the local and national health systems. Learn more. 

An implementation framework is now in place to take forward the recommendations from the report. Delivery will be clinically led by Martin Allen, who led this RNOH/GIRFT review, who will be reaching out soon to relevant colleagues to start the work.

More information is available on the FutureNHS Latent TB (LTBI) platform. Please register for access.

RNOH/GIRFT TB Review Team 

This is also published here: NHS England » Review of tuberculosis national report

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