New best practice pathway for testicular torsion

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A new pathway aiming to reduce delays and prevent more boys and young men losing a testicle as a result of testicular torsion has been developed by the Getting it right first time (GIRFT) team.

GIRFT has brought together a multi-disciplinary group of more than 50 NHS colleagues – comprising urologists, paediatric surgeons, general surgeons, anaesthetists, emergency care physicians, radiologists and Operational Delivery Network (ODN) leads – to build a national consensus pathway for best practice in the management of acute testicular pain.

Trusts, systems and networks implementing the pathway can not only shorten the time between the onset of testicular pain and surgical treatment for torsion, reducing the number of testicles being lost due to this time-sensitive condition, but can also limit the number of patients having unnecessary surgery when their pain is not caused by testicular torsion.

Please follow this link to access the Testicular torsion pathway

GIRFT is holding a free webinar on 27 February (1pm) to highlight the pathway and to discuss the importance of engagement with boys and young adults and their parents/carers to raise awareness of testicular torsion.

Please follow this link to register for the webinar

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