Londonwide LMC – LEAD events March – June 2025
Title: Medical Chaperoning
Target audience: all clinical and non-clinical staff working in healthcare where they may be required to act as a chaperone or to make use of chaperones.
Date: Wednesday 26 March 2025
Time: 1pm – 4pm
Format: Zoom
Fees: £95 per delegate (inclusive of VAT) for attendees from Londonwide practices.
£120 per delegate (inclusive of VAT) for attendees from practices from other areas.
Overview: This interactive half day workshop is aimed at all clinical and non-clinical staff working in healthcare where they may be required to act as a chaperone or to make use of chaperones
Title: Introduction to Medical Terminology
Target audience: non-clinical staff who encounter medical terminology on a regular basis.
Date: Thursday 15 May 2025
Time: 9:30am -12:30pm
Fees: £95 per delegate (inclusive of VAT) for attendees from Londonwide practices.
£120 per delegate (inclusive of VAT) for attendees from practices from other areas.
Overview: This course is designed to help delegates understand the elements of medical terminology and increase their confidence on a day-to-day basis.
Title: Summarising Medical Records
Target audience: staff responsible for undertaking the organising, sorting, and summarising of medical records and for those for whom this may become part of their role.
Date: Thursday 22 May 2025
Time: 9:30am -12:30pm
Fees: £95 per delegate (inclusive of VAT) for attendees from Londonwide practices.
£120 per delegate (inclusive of VAT) for attendees from practices from other areas.
Overview: The course covers how to organise and summarise medical records in an efficient manner, including abbreviations and confidentiality requirements.
Title: Travel Health update
Target audience: All healthcare practitioners involved in the practice of travel health medicine, Practice Nurses, Practice Managers, GP’s, Pharmacists, and allied professionals.
Date: Thursday 29 May 2025
Time: 9:15am -1pm
Fees: £95 per delegate (inclusive of VAT) for attendees from Londonwide practices.
£120 per delegate (inclusive of VAT) for attendees from practices from other areas.
Overview: This event aims to provide an update for practitioners advising travellers from the UK.
Title: Complaint Handling
Target audience: GP, Practice Manager, GPN, Health Care Support Worker, other healthcare professionals and staff who may receive a complaint directly.
Date: Wednesday 25 June 2025
Time: 10am – 12.30pm
Format: MS Teams
Fees: £95 per delegate (inclusive of VAT) for attendees from Londonwide practices.
£120 per delegate (inclusive of VAT) for attendees from practices from other areas.
Overview: Effective processes in managing complaints for general practices. The course will provide an overview of the NHS complaints regulations and CQC requirements.