Londonwide LMC – LEAD events March – June 2025

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Title:    Medical Chaperoning

Target audience: all clinical and non-clinical staff working in healthcare where they may be required to act as a chaperone or to make use of chaperones.

Date:    Wednesday 26 March 2025

Time:    1pm – 4pm

Format: Zoom

Fees:    £95 per delegate (inclusive of VAT) for attendees from Londonwide practices.

£120 per delegate (inclusive of VAT) for attendees from practices from other areas.

Overview: This interactive half day workshop is aimed at all clinical and non-clinical staff working in healthcare where they may be required to act as a chaperone or to make use of chaperones


Title:     Introduction to Medical Terminology

Target audience: non-clinical staff who encounter medical terminology on a regular basis.

Date:     Thursday 15 May 2025

Time:    9:30am -12:30pm

Fees:    £95 per delegate (inclusive of VAT) for attendees from Londonwide practices.

£120 per delegate (inclusive of VAT) for attendees from practices from other areas.

Overview: This course is designed to help delegates understand the elements of medical terminology and increase their confidence on a day-to-day basis.


Title:     Summarising Medical Records

Target audience: staff responsible for undertaking the organising, sorting, and summarising of medical records and for those for whom this may become part of their role.

Date:     Thursday 22 May 2025

Time:    9:30am -12:30pm

Fees:    £95 per delegate (inclusive of VAT) for attendees from Londonwide practices.

£120 per delegate (inclusive of VAT) for attendees from practices from other areas.

Overview: The course covers how to organise and summarise medical records in an efficient manner, including abbreviations and confidentiality requirements.


Title:     Travel Health update

Target audience: All healthcare practitioners involved in the practice of travel health medicine, Practice Nurses, Practice Managers, GP’s, Pharmacists, and allied professionals.

Date:     Thursday 29 May 2025

Time:    9:15am -1pm

Fees:    £95 per delegate (inclusive of VAT) for attendees from Londonwide practices.

£120 per delegate (inclusive of VAT) for attendees from practices from other areas.

Overview: This event aims to provide an update for practitioners advising travellers from the UK.


Title:    Complaint Handling

Target audience: GP, Practice Manager, GPN, Health Care Support Worker, other healthcare professionals and staff who may receive a complaint directly.

Date:    Wednesday 25 June 2025

Time:   10am – 12.30pm

Format: MS Teams

Fees:    £95 per delegate (inclusive of VAT) for attendees from Londonwide practices.

£120 per delegate (inclusive of VAT) for attendees from practices from other areas.

Overview: Effective processes in managing complaints for general practices. The course will provide an overview of the NHS complaints regulations and CQC requirements.

This website is for healthcare professions only.

It is not for public use.

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