HepA/Typhoid PGD extension notification expiring May 2024.

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The Hep A /Typhoid PGD (as ViaTIM®) was optionally extended, using a Notice of extension of validity, but only until end of this month. We have received a number of recurrent queries, asking when the hepatitis A/Typhoid PGD will be renewed.

Notice of ViaTIM® being withdrawn was given in Q3 2022. The drug company informed us the longest-dated UK stock expired 31 May 2024. Hence with Viatim® being available for a finite length of time, the decision was taken to extend the original PGD, with an expiry date coinciding with the stock’s expiry.

From the start of June 2024, all practitioners who are competent in hepatitis and typhoid vaccine assessment and delivery, should ensure they have read and have self-declared as competent in the separate Typhoid and Hepatitis A PGDs.

As with all PGDs, these PGDs must have organisational authorisation in place under Section 2 of the template, in order to be legally valid documents.

We would be grateful for your support in cascading this message through your relevant networks.

Kind regards

The Immunisation Team

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