Havering GP exercise referral scheme

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Exercise Referral- From referral to appointment 

The old paper-based applications have been discontinued, and instead we are now only accepting electronic referral forms. GPs and other Health Professionals will have direct access to the link. 

After GPs or other medical professionals complete the referral form online, this information is sent to the Exercise Referral team at Everyone Active Havering and the patient is then contacted via email/text to complete health questionnaires, and called to book the appointment. The health questionnaire can be completed prior to having the initial consultation or with the qualified Exercise Referral Instructor at the appointment.

 (The sites available are Harrow Lodge Leisure Centre, Central Park, Sapphire and Rainham only). 

The scheme is 12 weeks, week 1 consultation, and week 6 as the 6 -week review or half -way point and 12 -week final assessment. There are another 6 month and 12- month up where the patient is still supported in their health and fitness journey. There are supported gym sessions with the GP Exercise Referral qualified instructors. 

Offered to the patient immediately on starting the scheme, is a discounted membership paid by monthly direct debit. This discount is for 6 months (PAYG options are available and can be discussed at the initial consultation. 

In Summary,

  • Online referral for GP or Medical Professional to complete per patient (GPs, Practice Nurses, Hospital consultants, physiotherapists, social prescribers, dietitians)
  • Ensure condition is selected
  • 12-week scheme – 3 consultations and 2 follow up sessions (Week 1, Week 6 and Week 12, 6 month and 12 month)
  • 6- month discounted gym membership (includes gym, swim, and fitness class) paid by monthly Direct debit
  • Other membership includes: MSK Conditions – Osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia etc pay £12 for 12 weeks

*Please note that patients can only be referred once per 12 months.


Havering’s GP referral criteria

This website is for healthcare professions only.

It is not for public use.

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