Fully funded 2-day live virtual Personalised Care Institute-accredited training for Care Coordinators

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On behalf of NEL Personalised Care

FAO: NEL PCN Managers, PCN Clinical Directors and Care Coordinators

NEL ICB are happy to announce we have secured some fully funded 2-day live virtual Personalised Care Institute-accredited training for Care Coordinators.

We would strongly encourage you to support your Care Coordinators in attending this training, and we are conscious there is not much notice ahead of the training dates.

We have 50 spaces across 3 cohorts. Registrations will be first come, first served and we’ll provide a waiting list to Training Hub in anticipation of future dates available later in the year.

We’re acutely aware of the pressures on general practice and Care Coordinators, along with the other ARRS roles, “bring specialist skills directly into practices along with general clinical knowledge and skills that can add capacity to practice GP and nursing teams. It increases choice for patients, who can be seen quicker and for longer, and allows GPs to focus on people with complex needs.” (PCC-cic.org.uk)

As a reminder, there is a minimum standard for all Care Coordinators to have completed a Personalised Care Institute accredited two-day care co-ordination course.

“Before taking referrals, employers should ensure that care co-ordinators have the necessary skills and training. Care co-ordinators should complete a Personalised Care Institute accredited two-day care co-ordination course – this is the minimum required training standard.” https://www.england.nhs.uk/long-read/workforce-development-framework-for-care-co-ordinators/  

Conditions for success of this training:

  • 2-day release to attend training (09:15-15:30)
  • Private access to PC (1:1) in a quiet, uninterrupted area
  • 1 person per screen

Cohort dates:

  • Cohort 1
    • Day 1: Wednesday 26th March
    • Day 2: Tuesday 15th April
  • Cohort 2
    • Day 1: Thursday 3rd April
    • Day 2: Thursday 24th April
  • Cohort 3
    • Day 1: Wednesday 9th April
    • Day 2: Wednesday 30th April

Please do not hesitate to contact us if there are any queries at: nelondonicb.personalisedcare@nhs.net 


Care Coordinator Training 2025 – North East London Health Equity Academy – FutureNHS Collaboration Platform

Registration form:


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