Frequent callers briefing from London Ambulance Service

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As we approach the winter months, there is an opportunity for LAS and ICBs to support high intensity users and reduce calls to 999 and emergency admissions. What would help this is having universal care plans (UCPs) in place for the frequent callers. 

The UCP is an NHS service in London which enables patients to have their care and support wishes digitally shared with healthcare professionals across the capital. A care plan is created following a conversation between a healthcare professional and the person in their care. Most frequently they are created by GPs, but they can be created by other clinicians. 

There is a real opportunity to increase the update of UCPs and LAS would be keen to meet and work with representatives from ICBs on ways to work together. This could include mandating, incentivising, or otherwise supporting the creation of UCPs for the benefit of the whole system. The presence of even a basic UCP record enables 999, 111 & ED clinicians to make informed decisions about patient care to enable more effective & efficient decision-making across numerous elements of the NHS. 

Whilst LAS are keen to increase update on the creation of UCPs they are aware of technical and teething issues with practices completing them / integration technical issues, et. Therefore, would welcome any feedback / concerns so this can be fed back to UCP directly. Further details are can be found in the attached letter.


Frequent callers briefing

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