Flu and COVID Sign Up deadlines

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Thank you to those that have already submitted their EOIs for the Covid and/or Flu vaccination Autumn/Winter 2023/2024 Enhanced Service Specifications. 

We would like to remind all colleagues of the following important deadlines over the next week. Please note the differing actions as per deadlines below

4 September 5pm – EOI for Covid Vaccinations Enhanced Service Spec

Covid-19 Vaccination Enhanced Service Specification Autumn/Winter 2023/24 

Written confirmation to nelondonicb.vaccinations@nhs.net of the practice intention to deliver Covid and Flu vaccinations. 

4 September 5pm – PCN Collaboration agreements for delivery of Covid and Flu vaccinations

Template collaboration agreement for PCN Groupings delivering Covid-19 and influenza vaccinations 

Signed Collaboration agreement to be sent to nelondonicb.vaccinations@nhs.net 

31 August 11:59pm – EOI for Flu only Enhanced Service Spec

Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Enhanced Service Specification 2023/24 (for adults and clinical risk groups)

Childhood Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Enhanced Service specification 2023/24 (for 2 and 3 year olds)

Template collaboration agreement for practices collaborating to deliver influenza vaccinations

Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Programme enhanced service 2023/24: additional guidance on recording of flu vaccination events, payments and collaboration 

Expression of interest to be completed at: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=kp4VA8ZyI0umSq9Q55CtvwIsS2sc2J5LrOYYrLpNuGZUMlJaV0VCVk1DQk84OVZQWUdYNEtJMFpQMSQlQCN0PWcu

Any queries regarding Flu ES please contact England.londonimms@nhs.net 

Please note: Practices signing up for the delivery of Covid and Flu vaccinations without a signed collaboration agreement with their PCN grouping may form an alternative temporary PCN grouping to deliver the Enhanced Service as per 1.7 Covid-19 Vaccination Enhanced Service Specification Autumn/Winter 2023/24 the SVOC team/borough leads will be in touch with any stand alone practices to discuss next steps/actions.

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