Find the right NHS care campaign – winter 2023

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NHS North East London is running a communications campaign to help encourage residents to access the right NHS services over the winter period.

The materials in this toolkit can be used on your social media channels, websites, on digital screens, and the printed leaflets can be shared in any public locations.

 The content is grouped by the following themes:

  1. How to access GP services, covering:
  • Types of appointments
  • Booking appointments out of hours
  • The range of health professionals you can be seen by
  • How and why you should register with a GP practice
  1. Support from your local pharmacy and the importance of self-care
  2. Children’s health
  3. Making use of NHS 111 online, and calling111
  4. Mental health crisis support services 


Please use these screens on your practice screens

Text for your website 

Knowing your best route to urgent care can help you find the treatment you need faster.

You should only attend A&E if you need immediate care for something that is very serious or life-threatening.

Your GP surgery should usually be the first place you contact if you have particular concern about your health. Appointments are available out of hours, in the evenings, on weekends and bank holidays.

If you feel unwell or have a minor injury, your local pharmacy can offer advice and some medicines. This can help you treat your condition yourself at home.

If you have a more serious illness, you should visit your GP practice website or NHS 111 online for advice. If you cannot access the internet, call 111 or your GP practice directly.

A 999 call should only be used for life-threatening emergencies or serious injuries.

Primary care messages

  • Your GP surgery should usually be the first place to contact if you are concerned about your health. Anyone in England can register with a GP practice.
  • You can book routine appointments in the evening and weekends, and urgent GP appointments seven days a week. These appointments can be booked online or over the phone.
  • The receptionist will ask you a few questions to help make sure you receive the most appropriate care as quickly as possible in a way that suits you.
  • Appointments can take place by phone, video, or face-to-face depending on your preference and clinical need.
  • A range of healthcare professionals work at your practice and in the wider community to help you get the right care when you need it. This means you might see a GP, but you could also see another trained professional such as a practice nurse, community paramedic, physiotherapist, or social prescriber. 

Dedicated webpage:

Download: Find the right NHS Care Campaign Toolkit 2023-24

This website is for healthcare professions only.

It is not for public use.

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