East London Crisis Line and NEL 111 Hub: Mental Health Crisis Response Service Launching April 2024

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East London NHS Foundation Trust (ELF) along with North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT) and partners across NEL, are working together to ensure that service users experiencing mental health crises can access support via NHS 111, a freephone number that provides urgent health advice 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to people of all ages.

From 2 April 2024, people living in north east London will be able to call 111 and select option 2, putting them through to a fully trained and qualified mental health professional team based in ELFT’s crisis hub in Tower Hamlets.

The team has a wide range of skills, including on-the-phone brief psychological support and has access to key services and organisations that can offer mental health support to people in their time of need.

Existing local crisis lines in each borough will still be running. This service will run alongside existing provision.

If service users are known to ELFT or NELFT services, they should continue to contact their service in the ways they had been doing so previously during working hours. Those wishing to contact a mental health professional outside of hours – or those who aren’t previously known to services – should contact 111 and select option 2.

It is appreciated the continued support and flexibility of those closely involved in this initiative. This collaboration is a testament to our commitment to enhancing mental health support and accessibility in across our local communities.

Should you have any questions or need further clarification, please contact Tower Hamlets Crisis Pathway Service Manager, Melanie King, at melanie.king2@nhs.net.

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It is not for public use.

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