Discontinuation of Insulatard® InnoLet® and Levemir InnoLet® 3ml pre-filled disposable devices

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Please find below:

A Tier 2 Medicine Supply Notification (MSN) for: 

  • Insulatard® InnoLet® (insulin isophane human) 100units/ml suspension for injection 3ml pre-filled disposable devices
  • Levemir InnoLet® (insulin detemir) 100units/ml solution for injection 3ml pre-filled disposable devices

The contents of this MSN can be viewed on the Medicines Supply Tool. The Tool also details any changes to resupply dates and updates to the entries. To access the Tool you will be required to register with the SPS Website: https://www.sps.nhs.uk/


MSN 2024 032 – Insulatard InnoLet (nsulin isophane human 100units ml suspension for injection 3ml pre-filled disposable devices

MSN 2024 033 – Levemir InnoLet (insulin detemir) 100units ml solution for injection 3ml pre-filled disposable devices

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