Digital Weight Management Service (updated)

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February 2022: The latest DWMP data shows NEL at 83% of projected referrals compared to 47% for London. Highest referring ICS in the country.

72% of GP practices in NEL are referring into the service.

This service is available to early adopter practices and due for national roll out from July. Thank you for expressing your interest in becoming an early adopter practice. This web page contains all the resources you need to get started. If you require please contact or for further information contact Anne-Marie Maher-Vyas

The programme is a 12-week digital weight management offer with three levels of support available and a choice of providers. It is designed to give service users a personalised level of intervention to support them to manage their weight and improve longer-term health outcomes.

The three levels of support aim to reduce health inequalities by providing additional coaching for groups who are less likely to complete behavioural and lifestyle programmes.

  • Level 1: access to digital content only
  • Level 2: access to digital content plus 50 minutes of human coaching over the 12 weeks
  • Level 3: access to digital content plus 100 minutes of human coaching over the 12 weeks


Searches, referral forms and protocols have been centrally disseminated through resource publisher. 

EMIS practices with resource publisher can download EMIS & sytem 1 packs in the download section.


Referrals are accepted from GP, Practice Nurses and the wider practice workforce including appropriately trained HCAs, Social Prescribers link workers, physician associates, Clinical Pharmacists. Dietitians, Health & Well-being coaches.  All referrals need to go through ERS.

Eligibility criteria


  • age 18+
  • diagnosis of diabetes (type 1 or type 2) and/or hypertension 
  • BMI of 30+ (or =27.5 for BAME groups)

Through the triage system, the programme is particularly focusing on supporting those from Black Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) groups and more deprived communities to access and complete weight management interventions, as well as men and those from younger age groups.


  • severe/moderate frailty as recoded on a frailty register
  • is pregnant
  • has a diagnosed eating disorder
  • has a weight management programme considered to pose greater risk of harm than benefit*
  • has had bariatric surgery in the last two year
  • for those individuals aged over 80, the GP will need to provide supporting information that they are suitable for the programme

* For example, patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that are unmanaged, meaning not on medication and/or not subject to regular clinical review or have not completed a current active management programme such as diabetes management or cardiac rehabilitation.

Please note Havering’s criteria

How to refer

The following clinicians can refer to this service: GPsNursesAll primary care clinicians can refer to the service.

More information: 

For further information regarding all Borough specific weight management services please see the downloads section where you will find a Borough specific document outlining weight management programmes including offer description, eligibility criteria and information about how to refer into each programmes. 

Related Services across North East London

NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme 

Healthy Living for people with type 2 diabetes 


This website is for healthcare professions only.

It is not for public use.

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