Damp and Mould Checklist

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We want to make you aware of the new Damp and Mould Checklist. It is designed to support health and care professionals to:

  • recognise damp and mould concerns and issues
  • identify households most vulnerable to the health risks of damp and mould exposure
  • provide appropriate advice and take action on concerns 

This is a new resource is designed by London’s public health system partners, for use by frontline health and social care professionals when visiting residential properties in London.

Where concerns have been identified, the checklist toolkit provides clear guidance in the form of advice, signposting to other resources and information, and with template letters that can be adapted to be sent to Local Authority housing teams and the landlord following an assessment. 

You can access the Damp and Mould Checklist, resources to support patients/families at risk of fuel poverty, and Government guidance via our Damp and Mould Resources page.

While the checklist has been designed with practitioners in London in mind, the general principles, and our resources for parents/families in addition to the Government guidance will be applicable to patients across England.

The checklist is available for use for professionals working with patients of all ages, and with a range of conditions, as well as residents who are not currently clinically vulnerable but at increased risk of ill health due to damp and mould in their homes, so please feel free to share it more widely with teams and colleagues who may benefit from using it with their patient cohorts. 

Please disseminate these resources to teams who you think this would be relevant to, to support them to support their patients in the community. 

Members of the Pan Thames Paediatric Long Term Ventilation Programme have supported with reviewing and providing feedback on the toolkit, and an LTV centre supported with trialling the toolkit while under pilot. We have expressed our interest in supporting the toolkit to be adapted for wider use across the network. 

This website is for healthcare professions only.

It is not for public use.

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