Community pharmacy selfcare advice service update – Thursday 27 June

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Target Audience: All practice staff working in NEL
This session is designed to brief practice teams on the new NEL wide service from community pharmacies designed to support pharmacy first referrals from practices to pharmacies and facilitate access to free OTC medicines for those eligible for the service.

  • The main objectives of the Community Pharmacy Selfcare Advice Service are:
    • To complement and aid implementation of the nationally commissioned Pharmacy First Service, with the provision of free-of-charge OTC medicines for eligible patients
    • To reduce the number of GP appointments and/or A&E attendances for conditions related to specific minor ailments
    • To help address health inequalities through MECC (Making Every Contact Count) interventions
    • For eligible residents to have access to timely advice and support on health and wellbeing (which will also include signposting to other relevant services)
  • For City & Hackney only: This service replaces the Health First Pharmacy (HFP) Minor Ailments Service (MAS)
  • Please follow this link to register

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