Communitas ENT community clinics continue to deliver

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Following the re-procurement of community ENT services, we’re pleased to announce that on Monday 1 July, the current provider Communitas will be delivering a new and improved service across north east London.

As referring GPs, the transition to the new contract should be seamless with no change to the way you refer so please continue to refer on eRS as you did under the old contract. However, the new contract offers a range of benefits and will bring greater equity as we have taken the opportunity to design services across NEL to better meet the needs of patients.

The newly-commissioned system-wide contract means that as well as continuing to provide the existing consultant led community-based ENT service, which diagnoses and treats a range of ENT conditions, Communitas will now consistently provide the following services across the system:

  • diagnostic audiology and tympanometry tests; that previously had to be referred to other providers
  • community care for all patients aged 5 and over
  • access to appointments at clinics across the north east London area for all patients
  • an improved prescribing protocol including initiating of prescribing if medicine is required; eliminating unnecessary wait for patients and reducing demand on GP services.

Commissioning across the north east London integrated care system has allowed us to redesign and improve the existing service by commissioning additional provision for patients in where these were not previously in place and creating equitable access for all those across we care for. Not only does this allow us to better meet the needs of patients but the single contract offers financial benefit and increased value for money.

Being able to provide improved access to the community ENT service is key in supporting recovery and restoration of ENT outpatient services for patients in NEL and provides an alternative to hospital-based treatments for patients who can be appropriately assessed and managed outside a hospital environment.

The community service will continue to be delivered from clinics located across north east London, with at least one location in each borough. We will work with the service provider to ensure the locations provide good geographic coverage across north east London and are accessible.

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