C&H – Competencies for General Practice Nurses and General Practice Nursing Associates

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City and Hackney GP Confederation has recently completed a huge project to create a comprehensive competency framework for General Practice Nurses and General Practice Nursing Associates.

The project team, working on behalf of the North East London Training Hub, was commissioned by NHSE Workforce, Training and Education team for London. Last month they handed over the completed competency frameworks and a website to the NHSE London team.  

The work on the framework was collaborative with input from all the Integrated Care System training hubs in London, London GPN Leadership Group, and national, as well as very local subject matter experts.  The team held over 10 focus groups with GPNs and GPNAs from across London and used this input to help to shape the final framework to be as useful as possible for practicing GPNs and GPNAs.

The NHSE team in London are now aiming to get the frameworks rolled out across England, and the project team are working with them to help to make this happen. They have also, just this week, been invited to present their work to the Ottawa Conference, which supports the transformation of healthcare through excellence in assessment and evaluation. This is a  huge international conference and it is a great honour to be invited.

Well done to SRO Dr Mary Clarke and all the project team members – this project was delivered on behalf of primary care nursing across the NEL Integrated Care Board and, it seems, you have done us proud.

If you’d like to know more contact: Caroline Gilmartin c.gilmartin@nhs.net

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