BHRUT – Drop-in session for young girls who are struggling with periods – public event

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For anyone who knows any young girls who are struggling with periods the gynaecology team are organising the below event on 23 March 0930am – 1.30pm.

Many young girls suffer in silence with their period and find it hard to talk to about their concerns and worries with family and friends.

That’s why BHRUT are opening their educations doors at Queen’s Hospital Romford for the first of our ‘drop in’ information events on the subject of the monthly period.

This is an open invitation so please come along and join them, and meet the team, of doctors and nurses – they are here to help.

They have a team of consultant gynaecologists, who have an interest in adolescent gynaecology, as well as gynaecology nurses, who will all be at hand to ask any questions.

The first event is taking place on Saturday 23 March from 0930am – 1.30pm at Queen’s Hospital Romford, Education Centre (Ground Floor). It is located just off the main atrium at Queen’s Hospital.

This is a drop in event where BHRUT’s gynaecology doctors and nurses will be available for an informal face to face chat where hopefully you will find answers to all your questions. BHRUT will also be running a short introductory presentation at 10am and 12pm. Hopefully, these combined will give the girls some information and much needed advice about their periods. Remember you are not alone with your period problems.

Come and join them on 23 March in the morning from 0930am – 1.30pm. You can come at a time that suits you and stay as long as you want. You will not be expected to stay the whole length of the event. This morning has been organised for the girls so they can use it as they wish. There will be refreshments too to enjoy during the session.

BHRUT hope to make it an educational and enjoyable morning for the girls so do come along!


BHRUT letter to GPs

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