BHRUT – Changes to Diabetes and Endocrinology referrals on e-RS

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Implementation of Advice & Refer (A&R) in the Diabetes Service

Diabetes have changed the way GPs refer a patient to BHRUT Diabetes services to a process known as ‘advice and refer’ (A&R) using the advice and guidance (A&G) pathway on e-RS.

As of Monday 5 February 2024, all patients should be sent to the new service named: 

Diabetes Advice & Refer service – Queens Hospital – RF4 BHRUT

  • This service combines requests for advice and requests for appointments into a single pathway.
  • All requests will be reviewed within 5 working days – either to give prompt advice or to schedule an appointment, according to clinical need.
  • All other diabetes referral services have closed and all requests for diabetes input should now come via the Advice & Refer service.

    Please note:
  • As per the 2015 agreement with Havering CCGs all diabetes referrals from Havering GPs retain their existing separate referral pathway and process into the community diabetes service. Any patients coming through from Havering GP surgeries will be returned back to the referrer to refer via the correct pathway.
  • All Type 2 Diabetes referrals retain their existing separate referral pathway and process into the community diabetes service.

Download copy of letter

Implementation of Advice & Refer (A&R) in the Endocrinology Service

Endocrine have changed the way GPs refer a patient to BHRUT Endocrine services to a process known as ‘advice and refer’ (A&R) using the advice and guidance (A&G) pathway on eRS.

As of Monday 5 February 2024, all patients should be sent to the new service named:

Endocrinology General Advice & Refer service – Queens Hospital – RF4 BHRUT

  • This service combines requests for advice and requests for appointments into a single pathway.
  • All requests will be reviewed within 5 working days – either to give prompt advice or to schedule an appointment, according to clinical need.
  • All other endocrine referral services have closed and all requests for endocrinology input should now come via the Advice & Refer service

Download copy of letter

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