BHRUT – Advice and guidance telephone line for Neurology reminder

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The Advice and guidance for Neurology is available on this number: 01708 435043.

This is available daily as follows:
Monday : 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Tuesday : 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Wednesday : 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Thursday : 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Friday : 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

The advice and guidance service is provided by a Registrar and supervised by a Consultant. This daily line will be in addition to the 24/7 on call consultant via switchboard.

The number is a direct line into the service and diverts to the SpR DECT phone.

Advice and guidance will be provided over the telephone and any patient specific enquiries will be followed up by email / letter.

This service provides clinical advice for Neurology and should not be used for administrative or appointment queries.

The service is provided with a view to supporting GPs in looking after patients in primary care wherever possible and we hope that it will support the delivery of excellent patient care and enhance the primary/secondary care relationship.

Other Neurology referral information:

Non-urgent queries
If you have a non-urgent query about a patient who is already known to the neurology service, advice should be sought directly from the consultant involved rather than phoning the advice and guidance telephone line or making a new submission through e-RS.

Consultants can be contacted by email or via their secretaries or through the email address 

This email is monitored daily by the neurology secretaries. It should be made clear in the email which consultant you are writing to.

Stroke and neurosurgery have their own referral pathways through e-RS so please do not refer outpatients through neurology.

Please only mark a referral as urgent if you believe there is a risk to life or of disability. Chronicity of symptoms in itself is not a reason for urgent referral. This will ensure we can get to the truly urgent patients sooner.

This website is for healthcare professions only.

It is not for public use.

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