BHR – Virtual CKD

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Letter from BHRUT

We are making good progress with the roll out of the virtual CKD service for primary care in the BHR area.

Just before Christmas we successfully completed the first digital case review and return of clinical information to the referring GP. It is a very technically complicated and challenging process and we are ironing out the bumps in the road.

It’s hard to give an exact time frame as to when we will launch this, but we will keep you updated all the way.

Practices will need to activate their data sharing agreement to allow the flow of documentation between the practice and BHRUT. Users must have EMIS System Admin access with an added RBAC B0109 Local Restricted System Administration. We are working with Primary Care GP IT colleagues to establish the best way to do this for practices.

Thank you for your patience. We will be in touch with further updates.

Dr Gavin Dreyer, Barts vCKD lead
Dr Nasreen Samad, BHR Renal lead
Mr Neil Carter, BHRUT Renal General Manager


copy of letter from BHRUT

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