Advice & Refer (A&R) in some BHRUT Services
Some services have changed the way GPs refer a patient to BHRUT to a process known as ‘advice and refer’ (A&R) using the advice and guidance (A&G) pathway on e-RS.
To make a referral, please be reminded that you will need to click on the request type “advice” on eRS to allow you to find the following services :

Cardiology – General Advice and Refer Service Queens and King George Hospitals RF4 – BHRUT
Diabetes Advice & Refer service – Queens Hospital – RF4 BHRUT
Endocrinology General Advice & Refer service – Queens Hospital – RF4 BHRUT
Haematology – Advice & Refer – Queens Hospital RF4 – BHRUT
Paediatrics – Advice & Refer Service – Queens Hospital – RF4 – BHRUT
Rheumatology – Advice and Refer Service Queens and King George Hospital RF4 – BHRUT
- This service combines requests for advice and requests for appointments into a single pathway.
- All requests will be reviewed within 5 working days – either to give prompt advice or to schedule an appointment, according to clinical need.
- All other referral routes have closed and all requests for the above services should now come via the Advice & Refer service.
- Specialist clinics such as EIA and RACPC will still be available as normal