Accessing End-of-Life Medicines through NEL Commissioned Community Pharmacies

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This is a reminder for NEL Primary Care staff about the process for accessing end-of-life (EoL) medicines.

While families and carers can obtain EoL medications at their regular nominated pharmacy during opening hours, not all community pharmacies routinely stock these medicines. To ensure timely access across NEL, we have designated a number of community pharmacies to maintain a stock of commonly used EoL medications.

Please download this spreadsheet to find:

  • A list of commissioned pharmacies, including their contact details.
  • Information on the medicines they stock.
  • Guidance on accessing out-of-hours services and the pharmacies that provide this service.

For more information, this content is also available on the Primary Care NHS North East London Portal under Medicines Optimisation > Medicines Guidelines > End of Life Care.

This website is for healthcare professions only.

It is not for public use.

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