Secondary Care contact details

This information is for use by primary care staff only.

If you notice any missing / inaccurate information, please let us know by emailing the librarian team on

DepartmentBarts Health NHS TrustBHRUT NHS TrustHomerton healthcare NHS Trust ;
Appointments and direct line to clinic – 02037658584.
Adult Allergy Clinic – 02085107769
CardiologyRLH Cardiology SpR – 02035945644, Cardiology Secretaries 02037658617KGH – Cardiology Dep 02089708254, Referral – 02089708191Department number – 02085107374
DermatologyRLH Derm OPs: 02035942071; Secreteries 02074804845Derm Doctors – 02085107752; Secretaries – 02085107388
Emergency MedicineA&E Doctor-in-charge – 02085107057; Paeds ED Consultant – 02085107808
HaematologyRLH Haem Anti-coag SpR – 02035946313; RLH General Haem SpR 02035945856
Infectious DiseasesMicrobiology at RLH – 02032460320, covers Homerton, NewhamMicrobiology at RLH – 02032460320
Gastro – Medical
Gastro – Surgical
OncologyAcute oncology CNS – Bleep 437/257
OphthalmologyOphthal Secreteries 02035942755Ophthalmology Secretaries – 02085105518, Consultant 07931708440 – Moorfields outreach service – through Switch
OrthopaedicsOP Referrals RLH –;
Ortho SpR 02035945674
KHG SPR – Bleep 804, Clinical Office 02085104570
PaediatricsRLH Hot Reg 02035945646KGH Paeds Emergency Consultant – 02089705280Paeds secretaries – 02085107876/7877
Palliative CareRLH Pall care – 02035958589KGH Palliative care – 02089708002CNS ext – 02085107676/Team leader – 02085104260
PodiatryMile End Hospital Foot clinic –; 020 7771 5775Direct Line – 02085105740
Radiology (Omnes)A&G on USS reports ( on USS reports ( on USS reports (
Sexual HealthAll East Sexual Health
Surgery – General
Surgery – Plastics
Womens Health

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It is not for public use.

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