Record patient safety events involving medicines
Primary care including general practices, primary care networks and community pharmacies are encouraged to use the Learn from Patient Safety Events Service to record the details of patient safety events (incidents), contributing to a national NHS wide data source to support learning and improvement Sign up for a LFPSE account here. Watch this video to learn more about LFPSE Service Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) analyse the aggregate data to identify patterns and trends across providers. This valuable insight helps ICBs prioritise and coordinate improvement efforts, supporting providers in implementing effective solutions to enhance patient safety and care quality. Primary care teams should use the LFPSE system for any events where: A patient was harmed or could have been harmed. There has been a poor outcome, but it is not yet clear whether an incident contributed or not. Risks to patient safety in the future have been identified. Safe and effective care has been delivered that could be learned from to improve patient safety Please ensure you assign the medicines-related patient safety event as a “medication event” on LFPSE. Recording on LFPSE helps meet statutory and national policy requirements, ensuring compliance with regulations. Recording events can contribute to a positive CQC rating. Read the CQC GP mythbuster on recording patient safety events with the LFPSE service for further information Community pharmacies the updated Incident Reporting Approved Particulars set out the regulatory and contractual obligations to record safety events – refer to them for more information before recording a patient safety event (incident). |