Overprescribing and Deprescribing

Overprescribing, Deprescribing and Structured Medication Reviews

Overprescribing and problematic polypharmacy in people with long term conditions contributes to poorer health outcomes. The National Overprescribing Review highlighted that 10% of medicines prescribed in primary care may be inappropriate and those taking 10 or more medicines are 300 times more likely to have a drug related hospital admission. Therefore, across it is important to continue efforts to prioritise with tackling problematic polypharmacy

Resources to support patients having a structured medication review

Resource Details
Are Your Medicines Working?Are Your Medicines Working? patient checklist

Are Your Medicines Working? symptom tracker
Please note you can download resources to support SMRs in different languages: Arabic, Chinese, Bengali, Gujarati, Somali, Polish, Punjabi Gurmukhi, Punjabi, Shahmukhi, Romanian and Urdu.
Me and My MedicinesMe and My Medicines Charter

Me and My Medicines Charter – easy read (digital)

Me and My Medicines Charter – easy read (print)
Please note you can download resources to support SMRs in different languages: Arabic, Chinese, Bengali, Gujarati, Somali, Polish, Punjabi Gurmukhi, Punjabi, Shahmukhi, Romanian and Urdu.
Safely stopping your medicines leafletSafely stopping your medicine leaflet

Safely stopping your medicine leaflet – easy read (digital)

Safely stopping your medicine leaflet – easy read (print)
Please note you can download resources to support SMRs in different languages: Arabic, Chinese, Bengali, Gujarati, Somali, Polish, Punjabi Gurmukhi, Punjabi, Shahmukhi, Romanian and Urdu.
IMPACTImproving Medicines and Polypharmacy Appropriateness Clinical Tool   provides evidence-based suggestions to optimise medicines use, supported by data and visualisation tool. Highlights high risk medicines and measures to improve patient safety, to prevent incidents of avoidable significant harm. Further information can be found here: Bulletin 268: IMPACT 

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It is not for public use.

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