Cyber Security Awareness

Due to new and emerging cyber threats we need to remind and alert you to the below advice on how to stay safe.

Please be cautious on using all removable media such as hard drives or memory sticks from any unknown sources. Only use purchased encrypted memory sticks and not free or found memory sticks.   Be alert when receiving unwanted and malicious emails. If you click a link or open an attachment from a suspect email it could potentially release a virus onto your computer which may spiral and affect all the other computers on our network.  

If you receive any emails with any of the key signs below we suggest you report the email as SPAM to NHSmail and delete the email and then delete the same email from your deleted items folder.   Do not click on any banners within emails or internet pages that appear to be advertising products. Banner adverts can be used to hide potential malicious software.   Use three random words to create your passwords.  

Key signs of a suspect email

It is from a sender you don’t know or recognise It contains poor spelling and grammar It has a subject heading you don’t recognise It asks you to click or follow a link that you were not expecting It asks you for your password It is requesting personal data or bank details It asks for you to make a payment It is an offer that seems too good to be true It has an attached file you were not expecting or don’t recognise. 

Hints and Tips

DON’T click unknown links or open unknown attachments DON’T reply to a suspicious email, or unsubscribe from a suspicious email (this just shows the criminals they’ve found an active email account) DON’T ring any phone numbers in a suspicious email (find the contact number through other means if required) If it’s from someone you know, does it look and sound right? Does the sender’s address match the organisation that supposedly sent the email? Hover over all links to show where they really go  

If you are suspicious of anything or you receive an email that you are unsure about, please do not hesitate to call our IT Service Desk for advice or you can report suspicious SPAM emails directly to NHSmail by emailing This can help stop the spread of SPAM to other recipients.

This website is for healthcare professions only.

It is not for public use.

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